Treasures of our Town
Embark on an exhilarating voyage through the heart of America's captivating towns and cities with the enthralling travel podcast, "Treasures of our Town." Join your experienced hosts, Craig (Seemyshell) and Joshua (Geocaching Vlogger), as they unveil the hidden gems and extraordinary treasures that lie beyond the surface.
Delve into a world of cultural exploration as our hosts guide you through historical sites, natural splendours, and extraordinary local experiences. All their travels are guided by their love of outdoor games like Geocaching and Munzee. Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or a curious beginner, our captivating city tours and off-the-beaten-path destinations will ignite your wanderlust and leave you inspired.
Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure? Tune in now and prepare to immerse yourself in the allure of "Treasures of our Town." Let us ignite your curiosity, fuel your desire for exploration, and set your spirit free as we unravel the secrets that make each town a true treasure trove.
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Email - treasuresofourtownpodcast@gmail.com
Treasures of our Town
We were PROUD of our Year! 2024 in review
Ever wondered if Santa's sleigh has been replaced by drones? Join us as we explore this whimsical theory while navigating a festive road trip across the USA, uncovering hidden treasures through geocaching. Joshua unwraps his geocaching-themed Advent Calendar from Cache Craft, and Craig shares tales from his trusty van, Tuesday, on the road to New Jersey. Between holiday cheer and adventure, we reminisce about our podcast's journey to becoming the number one geocaching podcast worldwide, celebrating our 49th episode milestone and expressing gratitude for our vibrant listener community.
Get a glimpse into the future of content creation with our discussion on AI-generated podcast segments and the art behind crafting our unique episode titles. We share fond memories of our creative adventures, like recording live in Orlando and exploring quirky roadside attractions during the exhilarating Roadside Attraction March Madness. From the World's Largest Ball of Paint to the enchanting Enchanted Highway, these tales of travel continue to inspire our wanderlust and future journeys.
Unravel the joys and challenges of traveling solo versus with friends, as we dive into personality types and the balance of introversion and extroversion in our escapades. We chat about Renaissance festivals, highlight memorable moments from our trip to Fort Worth, and share insights from our popular solo travel episode. Whether it's geocaching across the USA, planning milestone achievements, or mingling with fellow adventurers at events like Geo Woodstock, this episode celebrates the spirited community and diverse experiences that fuel our passion for discovery.
Cache Craft
SMS Productions
I need to go and get my dog his bed because he wants to be on my lap and I don't want him on my lap, so he will be frustrated unless he has a place to lay down. Brb, do you love to travel?
Speaker 2:Do you love road trips?
Speaker 1:Do you love finding hidden treasures in towns all over the USA? Hi, I'm Joshua.
Speaker 2:And I'm Craig. Welcome to Treasures of Our Town. It's the podcast that explores unique and charming towns scattered throughout the United States.
Speaker 1:Guided by our love for location-based games like geocaching, join us as we venture to some of the country's most intriguing destinations, uncovering hidden gems and local secrets along the way.
Speaker 2:On today's episode Josh ho ho, ho, ho ho. Merry Christmas, happy, happy holidays. However, you want to spend this time of the year seeing out the year and bringing in the new mate, bringing in the new year, buddy.
Speaker 1:Ho, ho, ho ho. Merry Christmas. That's pretty good.
Speaker 2:That is pretty good for a skinny guy like you are now, that's pretty good.
Speaker 1:That is pretty good.
Speaker 2:for a skinny guy like you are now, that's pretty good.
Speaker 1:I know it sounded slightly older and more jollier.
Speaker 2:Exactly, it's slightly raspy, which is nice as well. They like a rasp when you say ho, ho, ho, ho.
Speaker 1:That's good, that's good. Oh, merry Christmas.
Speaker 2:How was that? Have you got much doing?
Speaker 1:the rest of the year, buddy. Um, you know it's chill, it's pretty chill, yeah, taking some days off. So I got, I got almost two weeks off of work, which is fantastic, so hopefully I'll do some geocaching. I know I'll do some video editing. Who knows? I don't have I don't have a lot in the hopper right now, craig for video content, so I got to get out there. Like Craig, I don't even have a video for this Sunday and it's Tuesday already.
Speaker 2:I know In the snow, josh.
Speaker 1:In the snow I know I used all my Germany footage and my troll footage and actually right now I do have some fun footage. That just wrapped up and that is my Cash Craft Advent Calendar.
Speaker 2:Oh, I've been watching that. I've been watching that. Tell us about the Cash Craft Calendar. It's an Advent Calendar. Is it 12 days of Christmas or something?
Speaker 1:Yes, it's not just an Advent Calendar, it's a geocaching Advent Calendar. Wow, and it's not just an advent calendar, it's a geocaching advent calendar and it's 12 days and cashcraft. Uh, cashcraftnjcom not sponsor of this show, but they craig. You know them.
Speaker 1:they put together they put some quality stuff together. These are all hand crafted items like a. Really like the first month, their first day, was this really nice, um, wooden path tag ornament that I could put my path tag in. It was. I was cool, I was really impressed. Even the stickers I got even the stickers. They made them and they were like super nice vinyl stickers anyway. So I am, I am putting out some holiday content. You are but the full videos man. You know and I know those things are a lot of work, a lot of work, a lot of work.
Speaker 2:I mean you could do YouTube shorts in a matter of less than an hour, from start to finish, from getting your camera out to filming, to editing and to posting. It's done in less than an hour, yes, whereas the long-form stuff, mate, it's a long way there. But just turning back again, yes, andrew and Courtney from cashcraftnjcom, they do great work. Andrew does. He's a woodworker by trade, so that's what he loves to do. Do you know? I've done a video for him as well. I know A couple of years back.
Speaker 2:That was a cool video to create with him too. So create with him too. So, yeah, get out and have a look at that and then and see that. Guys, if you want more of that sort of stuff too, so great great gear um.
Speaker 1:So what would you would?
Speaker 1:you be that was your upgrade choice. Do you think it would be? Was the okay? Yeah, that's great. Going through, going through the 12 days of advent calendar with cash craft yeah, I'd say that was my upgrade. It was really well, well done. Again, handcrafted like this is quality stuff, um, and so that's cool. It's not just like curated stuff. He, actually they make it, which just really makes it unique. It's like you can't some of these items you can't get anywhere else because they make them so, um, yeah, that was my upgrade. I really enjoyed the 12 days of geocaching yeah, very, very cool, mate.
Speaker 2:Uh, I'll start with my upgrade. If that's okay, then too. My upgrade is that you can see, now I'm back in new jersey, which means that I made it back with my van as well. My van's name's tuesday if people don't already know that it's a big, uh, ram promaster 159, wheelbase 2500. You know series. High roof as well. I can stand inside. I can stand, I'm six foot, I can stand up inside.
Speaker 2:Oh, my gosh, you know, and not even bump my head. So it's, it's nice. Anyway, I brought it back, josh, yesterday. I took it to my local mechanic, who I know and trust very, very well, and I said here it is my look over it. I had a mechanic look at it in in arizona but I thought now I trust this mechanic here. He looked over it with a a mechanic look at it in in arizona, but I thought now I trust this mechanic here. He looked over it with a fine tooth comb. Uh, yesterday and today he took two days to look at it. All did an oil change as well. Because I said make, do an oil change so I know when it's up and ready to go. He couldn't find an issue with it at all at all, mate, oh my gosh, how good is that, he said.
Speaker 2:He said look, the next thing you'll need to do is the spark plugs, but that's not for another six months oh my gosh really goes, yeah, so he looked with a fine tooth comb and so he gave me the big, big tick of approval, which is a big comparison to my old event, my old camper van which josh at the moment. I got a message today it is located at the uh, the auction houses here in new jersey. How did I know that I left, josh? I left my trackable name tag geocaching trackable name tag in there. A guy in the auction houses found it, who is a an old geocacher, knew what he found oh my gosh logged it as discovered, and his old account.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, and looked at it, what the? So I got that notification Meanwhile. He then took a photo and put it all on Reddit as well, under the hashtag geocaching on Reddit. Within minutes, scott Burks good old our mate Scott Burks sent me a text message saying this guy found your name tag and he's put it on Reddit from your old van. I'm like, oh, oh man, this is insane. So so, yeah, see, geocaching. It brings it, brings the world together, josh, it brings it well together, that's amazing story, a good trackable story.
Speaker 1:That one too yeah, for sure, you know. We've heard the stories of fine. I think you have found trackables in like like thrift stores and stuff which is pretty rare and pretty cool, but you were on the other side of it. Now, wait, your trackable tag was was it? Was it on the vehicle or it was just left in the inside by accident?
Speaker 2:it was left inside by accident, but it's my older one, my old name tag, one the other name tags that you have, you know, hi, I'm sam, my shell, and discover me one of those ones very similar to yours on your recent video. Uh, with the, with the ammo can, it's on the ammo can magnetizing the ammo.
Speaker 1:That's right, that's exactly, exactly.
Speaker 2:Meanwhile, we're gonna go. Your delays, josh. What are your delays, do you think?
Speaker 1:my delays. I, I just I haven't been out geocaching in weeks and I need to get out. I need to get out. You know the weather is a little bit, you know, cooler, but that honestly shouldn't stop me. You know what they say there's never bad geocaching clothing. I'm sorry that's wrong.
Speaker 2:There's no bad geocaching weather just bad geocaching clothing very true right I should put on the geocaching clothing.
Speaker 1:I should get out there and yeah. So I just haven't. I haven't been out, I haven't had time. It's a busy time of year but yeah, I need to get, I need to get back out there. So that's, that's my delay. I I need to get out there, although, although I'll say this, um, you know, when I say the term cash odyssey, do you know what that means?
Speaker 1:yes yes, so cache odyssey is a thing that geocache talk network is putting together. Where they're, they're creating six geo tours all over the united states six of them, and there's, you know, different sections anyway. The cool thing about it is all these geocaches are supposed to be high quality, but they're all supposed to be terrain one, so they're all wheelchair, wheelchair accessible wow, okay and I, I, I don't know if I told you this craig I am the hider for minnesota.
Speaker 1:No, you haven't told me that yeah, I'm the hider for minnesota, so I I you know that's a lot of pressure, craig right that is.
Speaker 2:That's a lot of pressure, it's like I am the.
Speaker 1:I represent the whole state with, with this geocache so I knew, I knew that it needed to be good, and I don't want to give it away now because I uh, but it's, it's really cool. I, I got some help and so it's it's kind of a gadget cache. I'll tell you off, I'll tell you off air what it is. I'm really proud of it.
Speaker 1:It was kind of a great thing these days yeah exactly, it was Daniel Flieger inspired, so it's something similar, but then it's also very connected to the state of Minnesota. Anyway, I'm a hider, so it's the 26th, now on the 30th, so four days from now, it will go live along with the 23rd as it goes out.
Speaker 2:Sorry.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the 23rd, it's not Christmas. Okay, sorry, in in how many days?
Speaker 2:Seven days in one week, thank you.
Speaker 1:In one week it will go live along with all the other ones, and it's just. Yeah, it's really cool to be a part of this and I'm really proud of this geocache. And so we have another thing to go for. We got Cache Across America. We got Cache Odyssey. We got the oldest cache in every state. A lot of travel needs to be had as we shoot for these, so that's not really a delay. But it's just to say that I've been working on this cache alongside somebody else that's helping me out doing most of the work you're just the, you're the, you're the feisty in front of the world.
Speaker 1:I am the brains like? No, I'm not the brains. No, that's not. I am the person that has the vision, and a local geocacher here by the name of bart flange is helping me, like, make the vision come to life. And it's really I'm like it'll be. It'll be one of my best geocaches, for sure.
Speaker 2:So that's really cool, but better than the one that uh that I did with you, josh, with the uh the tardis oh, that's pretty good too that's uh I'd say they're equal, they're just a little, they're just a little different, they're just a little different yeah.
Speaker 2:I will say, though, that what took it over the edge for me at the tardis was the fact that it's at the front lawn. If you haven't done it yet, then this hashtag this might be a little spoiler it's a tardis geocache. Um, you know what do you call it? A little free library to a style yep, it's physical tardis, where you can go inside it and stuff as well. I won't tell you any more apart from that. Just, you have to get there and do it. But for me, josh, what to put this over the edge was the fact that the owner of the property was home at the time, good friend of yours. He came out the front and he then, as he prepared to open up the garage door, all this smoke started bellowing out from underneath the garage door, and these lights started flickering. And as the garage door just slowly went up itself, I saw in the, in the, in the darkness arose this thing called a uh, I can't even think of the car's name, now what's?
Speaker 2:a delorean delorean was there in bright, beaming colors and the whole garage was decked out in back to the future. So for me it was more about uh yeah, meeting the, the, your friend who owns the uh, the rented delorean as well. He owns that company rent. You can actually rent these deloreans as a. You know, drive around rent deloreancom.
Speaker 1:Yes, and it's so cool. It's so cool if he's home, it's so cool if you're lucky, you do the tardis and there's a camera in the tardis so he can see you when people go on the tardIS and he can speak to the people that are doing the geocache. So he's always like congratulations, you open the TARDIS, then he goes you want to see another time machine? And he goes, walk to the garage, to the garage. So so he pretends he's the voice of the TARDIS, pretends he's the voice of the TARDIS, and then he's like do you want to see another time machine? It's pretty cool. It's one of the most favorite geocaches in Minnesota by percentage.
Speaker 2:That's a cool.
Speaker 1:It's a great geocache. This one is similar in quality but very different.
Speaker 2:That's fair enough. Well, mate, I'm going to go to my delay now as well, because mine is very, very different indeed and nothing geocaching related. Well, I think that'd be geocaching related anyway, and that is the fact that, yes, I'm back in New Jersey now and New Jersey has hit the news media outlets in several states, in several countries all around the world. Why? Because there's these flying drones. Josh, have you heard of this? Yes, have you heard about?
Speaker 1:yeah, what is it? What's going on? Craig what's happening.
Speaker 2:I'm like, I'm like, yeah, sure, whatever. And then every night since I've been here, I've been back and I can, you can see them, you can, they're literally flying around. At first I thought to myself because I'm a drone operator, josh, you know me. I've got two drones actually, and these are big, these are big drones.
Speaker 1:It's like the size of cars, right?
Speaker 2:Yeah, like a small mini car yeah, the size of a car, they can hover, they can fly, they can fly at speed. But they've all got the red and green and white FAA lights red and green and white FAA lights. So they're legit drones in terms of you know, legitimate drones. You know people are saying, oh, it's alien invasion. People are talking about this other blue project or some other. You know conspiracy theory stuff as well. People are deep diving, josh, because the government hasn't come out and said the government said we don't know anything about them, but it's okay, don't worry.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so it's them. It's got to be them.
Speaker 2:It's got to be them. Meanwhile, I've done some deep dive, digging, digging, digging, and the only thing I can really think of that actually makes sense. This makes sense, josh, and not to alarm people out there either, this is maybe the reason why they're not talking about it, and that is New Jersey has one of the biggest ports in the US, the importing ports, like on the ship ports. Yeah, so there's a possibility whereby there's some sort of nuclear pin of some sort that was smuggled in in the New Jersey port and these drones are military drones which are up there doing surveillance of a night time only, not during the day, only at night. Doing these surveillance because all they're utilising is their nuclear technology to pin where this nuclear activity is at night. Doing these surveillance because all they're utilizing is their uh nuclear um technology to to pin where this nuclear activity is um, and I'm not sure if they've found it yet or not.
Speaker 1:So wow, so, yes, you don't want to hear what that, you want to hear my theory. Yes, maybe it's santa, maybe maybe it's santa drones you, he knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake. How does he know? Because he's operating drones. He's spying on the children to see if they're naughty or nice.
Speaker 2:Could be, it could be Looking through the windows at night. That's getting scary now, but anyway, speaking of Santa, speaking of Christmas, speaking of 2024, let's do the wrap-up. What do you think?
Speaker 1:Yes, we are here to do the 2024 Treasures of Our Town wrap-up. And here's what's interesting. We have statistics of all of our episodes and last year this episode was one of our most popular episodes. Maybe people tune in. They're like we don't want to listen to these guys all year, but we'll listen to the wrap-up every year and then we'll get a sense of what they talked about all year long.
Speaker 2:Exactly, we wrap it up. We wrap up every single episode. Mind you, I don't think some of them are going to be too long, these episodes, because, let's be honest, Josh, if you've listened to us the entire year, every single episode, then we say thank you as well. We do appreciate it and we hope that we give you the value once every two weeks or, in the rest of the world, once a fortnight. Yeah, that's the way we do it and, Josh, that's not going to change. I don't think. I think it will always be once every two weeks for the time being.
Speaker 1:We're not going to do weekly, that's too much. You don't want too much of Josh and Craig.
Speaker 2:No no.
Speaker 1:You want a just right amount quality, quality and quantity and it might be. It might be working because in 2024 we were. We were, according to good pods, the number one geocaching podcast on the planet. Exactly. Have you rubbed that in at all to any other? Our other podcasting?
Speaker 2:friends, no, no, I just I'm very humbled. I know me too, but if you're listening, can you believe it?
Speaker 1:I'm very humble, josh, I know me too, but if you're listening, can you believe it. And we're number one for travel. Was it travel podcast as well? Outdoor recreation, I think.
Speaker 2:Outdoor recreation yeah, number one, outdoor, and we're third, that's right. Third in the travel podcast section, because we've got two others in front of us for travel podcast. But so there you go. Wow, we are niched, but we are kind of niched. In the meantime, though, josh, this year we had 25 episodes in total for the year, of which we've done 48 now, including 49. This is our 49th episode.
Speaker 1:This is 49. This is 49. So the next one is our big 50. 50th, yeah, which will be the start of Season 3.
Speaker 2:Start of Season 3 will be our 50th episode exactly download wise josh. We've had over 11 000 downloads, which means over the last two years we're we're just over 39 000 downloads in the two years that's. I think that's pretty, pretty cool number as well. So just like that.
Speaker 1:That's a lot. That's a lot of time, especially I know people are not everybody's listening to the whole thing, but it's going on their devices and that's a lot of time. That's like a lot of time spent with us and some people listen twice.
Speaker 2:Josh, I'm just saying, do they? I'm assuming so, but anyway, but that doesn't count, they only download. So you download it once, you can listen to it as many times as you want. We don't get that number, we only get that's true download once, that's all. Meanwhile, josh this one, he was a pretty cool, uh, pretty cool statistic as well. That is, 47 of our listeners listen on apple podcasts, 18 listen on spotify.
Speaker 2:So and the rest, the rest somewhere else a mixed, a mixed uh of good pods and other applications as well, um, and even even youtube as well. So, because that's just a listen only to, on youtube now as well, um, our top episode for the year. Josh, do you want to announce the top episode of 2024?
Speaker 1:drumroll please. Our top episode of 2024 is march madness roadside attractions. March madness with jesse slash shorty knits. I love we'll get to that episode, but it was one of my favorite episodes and, like I, I think, a really good idea.
Speaker 2:It was a good idea, it was it was and will will be as well for next year, just spoiler coming back, yeah, we gotta, we gotta. It's the best. That's the best we got. That's the best we got. Exactly devices josh to us. 59% of people listen on an iPhone and 25% of people listen on an Android. What does that tell you about the iPhone versus Android battle?
Speaker 1:Well, we are both iPhone users. We are.
Speaker 2:I'm not a fan of the greenies.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm a little disgusted when an Android person texts me. But, I'm not disgusted if an Android person listens to us.
Speaker 2:This is true, this is true, I'm happy for Android.
Speaker 1:Yes, Thank you one-fourth of you, one-fourth, so wait, 59% is iPhone, the other is Android. I mean, there's probably what desktop computers there's like, yes.
Speaker 2:Yes, there's even smart tvs, yes, smart tvs who can download as well. So there's, smart tvs are on there as well. So other different small uh devices are on there as well. So, location wise, josh, 72 percent, 72 percent of our listeners are from the good old us of a, and rightly so.
Speaker 2:We are talking about the usa, yeah but I'm surprised it's not higher oh yeah, I said it's not higher a little bit a little bit, 72, but the next, the next is australia, with six percent australia, the furthest away from us we know, we know why that is.
Speaker 1:I mean, come on, we have an australian on the podcast this is true.
Speaker 2:But then third place was shocking for a little bit. Shocking for me, because it was not canada or it was not.
Speaker 1:It was not uk either, it wasn't even english speaking primarily no country. Germany, yeah, germany maybe that's because of you? Well, no, they just love the geocaching. They just love it. We talk more geocaching. They're like, yes, it's that's just like give us you ever heard of ret. You never heard of ret link. Do you know the ret link? They have a podcast. No, their podcast, get that. Their podcast is called ear biscuits ear biscuits yeah, because they're like biscuits are so delicious, but these are like biscuits for your ears.
Speaker 1:So they got good voices, good microphone, I mean they're just yeah, I'm sure they have good microphones, but what I'm saying're just yeah, I'm sure they have good microphones, but what I'm saying is anytime we, anytime we talk about geocaching, the germans are like ah, ear biscuits oh, they're talking bad about us.
Speaker 2:That makes sense. Yes, yes, yes exactly exactly our first episode, josh. Let's start reminiscing mate.
Speaker 1:Our first episode was on january 8 this year and it was remembering 2023 adventures and a sneak peek into 2024 um, I have nothing to say other than that was one of our most popular episodes and I honestly I'll have to listen to it myself, because I pretty much forgot everything we did in 2023 I know.
Speaker 2:I know because we did a lot. We did a lot and there's only so much room in our brains that we can handle.
Speaker 1:To be honest, it was a good year. I remember it was a good year because we did so much. We did a lot of traveling together, probably more traveling together in 2023 than we actually did in 2024, don't you think? Yeah, maybe, so Maybe so yeah, I ran out of money this year.
Speaker 2:Let's see what's going to happen in 2025, because we've already got a few things planned that we'll talk about after, at the end of this wrap-up as well. So we'll talk about 2025 at the end of this wrap-up. January 22nd, josh, we had a. Can you have Fun in Orlando for free?
Speaker 1:Can you? Did we answer the question yes?
Speaker 2:We did, and we had Rob Vardaman on as well for that.
Speaker 1:Rob was on the show for that. I forgot about that.
Speaker 2:Yes, we actually recorded it, didn't we? We recorded it live in Orlando after being in Orlando for free. That's right. That was the whole. We did it in Orlando.
Speaker 1:That's right. That's right. And so, rob, we talked a lot about Disneyland, because Disneyland can be expensive, but the whole idea was there's a lot to do for free, even in Disneyland. And we talked about the monorail, because you could do adventure labs on the monorail. You could do adventure labs on the Skyliner ride.
Speaker 1:And we did of course there's a ton of Munzee that we were able to do. It's not called Downtown. It's not called downtown disney. What was that other? What was that place? What was it called? Oh, I can't think of it. No, you weren't there that was just me.
Speaker 2:You left no, no, this is no. I remember it because I've been there before separate to you, to you, and and rob. But I had to leave early and then you and rob went there without me and you smashed out thousands of points in munsies as well when you were there, and we also did we also did a venture lab and we also met this famous chef, like named art, something like.
Speaker 1:We ran into him. I was like rob knew he was. He was from like yeah, he's from one of the reality shows, like one of the cooking reality shows. Oh, anyway, boy, my memory is foggy. If you want to, if you're curious about that, you gotta go back and listen to that one, exactly but, exactly, but we could do quite a bit of fun in orlando for free.
Speaker 2:We were there for munzee mecca, right yes, munzee, mecca, exactly right, yes which is coming up again very soon, actually very, very soon, in january, uh, next year as well. So which I'll be attending, josh just saying so. I'm not sure if you're going. I can't, who knows?
Speaker 1:I can't oh no. I already have two trips planned this year, and the first one isn't until March, unless something happens, who knows?
Speaker 2:Who knows, who knows, you don't rule it out. February 5, josh, we had 10 things I love about Fremont neighborhood with Annie Love. Oh man, we did such a great job.
Speaker 1:We did such a great job naming this episode because the Fremont neighborhood is, of course, in Seattle. It's the neighborhood where geocachingcom is, but there's a lot of the movie shooting locations for the movie 10 Things I Hate About you, so we named the episode 10 Things I love about the fremont neighborhood. Now, how clever is that that's very, very I think that's not.
Speaker 2:I thought of it, I think you did, you did, you think you think of most. I'll let everyone know as well josh is the, uh, the, the person who thinks of 90 percent of our um, even 95 percent, josh, of our titles and you do all the the title thought process it's from years of trying to come up with titles for youtube videos.
Speaker 1:I, my brain, I feel like my brain is just trained for it. Uh, and you know what we don't? We don't use ai, we don't use ai I. I actually when we like, let's be real, when we feed it ai, or or the buzzsprout the the company it gives us after we're done recording it like listens to us, you're listening to us right now.
Speaker 1:It tells us, it gives us like five options of what we should name the episode and I read those typically and I'm like, oh no, that sounds too. That sounds too AI. Like AI is good.
Speaker 2:It uses the buzzwords all the time. It uses hidden gems.
Speaker 1:Hidden gems.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it loves hidden gems. For some reason, ai, chat, gpt and AI loves those words. But in saying that, we use AI, for it translates this into script, so it actually makes a full script for people who don't. If they can't listen to it, then they can actually read our words instead, and it does a good job of understanding your English being the USA and my English being Australian.
Speaker 1:So it does a good job of that. It does a good job of that, but this is a human podcast. We're real people. It is. We can't be replaced by robots yet no.
Speaker 2:Josh, I was listening to a pod speak. I'm going to go off on a little tangent here. I was listening to a podcast only last week whereby he said I'm going to throw it to some people, and so he threw it over the podcast over to this, and it was a man and a woman and they were talking about a particular subject or title. It might have been van life of some sort. Anyway, they were going back and forth with conversation and I thought to myself oh wow, these guys sound good. I'd want to listen to their podcast. He then come back on. He said that was ai. Yeah, he did that with a like. There's a script where you can actually literally like chat gbt, where he just said make me a podcast lasting 10 minutes about this subject with a male and female voice, and that's it and then done.
Speaker 1:We're we're gonna lose our, we're gonna lose our job. This is, this is no, but here's the thing I experienced.
Speaker 1:The same thing, craig, because recently I know you're a spotify user, right yes, so it's about an apple podcast okay, I use apple podcast for podcasts but I use spotify for music and every year they have their spotify wrapped right and it like tabulates. It tabulates like what you listen to and they tell you. Well, this year is like, listen to your spotify wrapped podcast and it was a man and a woman that talks to you by name, talking about all your music that you listen to like at different times, and they were, they sounded way natural.
Speaker 2:It was it was scary. It was scary it's, it really is. It really is. I mean you, you showed me that d the dj spotify dj as well where it says hi josh, next time for you. You've listened to this in the last few weeks. Let's listen to some of this again. You know, like yeah, and then it gives you ai does give you your favorite sort of music styles, yeah you know, and then throws in sometimes as well, throws in some extra bits for you too.
Speaker 1:It's like, let's try this and like test the water to see how you like things yeah, I like that because it gives me a little bit of variety, but also then it gives it knows what I like. So, yes, but but it this, this couple, these, this man and this woman that did spotify rap? Like the crazy thing was the conversation. They were like playing, like the two robots were playing off each other and like naturally almost interrupting one another.
Speaker 2:Like we do.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we flow pretty good, but they were flowing man, yeah.
Speaker 2:I know and this is the thing it's like they listen to each other as well, because, like you just said, then, oh, they were flowing, man, and I say, yeah, back and forth. Like that they laugh at each other's jokes as well. It's amazing, absolutely amazing, but hopefully just let's hope that we don't get surpassed too quickly. Just say that.
Speaker 1:Okay, if it gets that good, it would be fun if we have like two humans and then have a third person come in and and yeah, the ai come in as like a third host, as a guest guest host.
Speaker 2:We'd have to have more as a guest. Welcome, ai. That's interesting, that's really interesting. Yeah, I might have to have a look into that, but just well yeah, because even like, think about people who have solo podcasts.
Speaker 1:They're like I want a co-host. We'll get to the point where you can have a co-host One human, one robot Fascinating. Okay, sorry, that was a rabbit trail, sorry.
Speaker 2:I know, all right, moving on February 19,. Josh, we had top 15 underrated spots guided by virtual geocaching. Do you remember who was a guest on this show?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I thought this was just us.
Speaker 2:No, I thought we had a guest on this one. There was a guest on this one.
Speaker 1:I'm sure there was. I don't think so. Okay, yes, Okay. Who was it? Do you remember?
Speaker 2:Yes, it was Cash, the Lion the Bruce.
Speaker 1:That's right. Yeah, because he took five of them. That's right. Yes, yeah, that's right.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, that's right, see. So that's why we had 15, because we all did five each. And even though he said the US spots.
Speaker 1:Yeah, do you remember any of the spots? Does anything come out to you? Not really.
Speaker 2:I'm going to have to go back and listen to it to be, honest with you. We thought we could wing this, Josh.
Speaker 1:We thought we could wing this. You know the thing is, mind you, I think I'm winging better than you because I, I remember our guests at least. Yeah, that's true. Well, you remember the next guest? Yes, of course. Yes, but let's not hold on. I, I, oh, you want to keep go back? I don't know. I just yeah. You know, what's great about this is that that people can go back and listen. You know what I mean? So we don't have a lot. All we know is that Cash the Line was there. We know we talked about 15 spots, but honestly, we cannot remember. So that's why you need to go back. So I hope you're all taking notes. Yes, then you can email us and tell us what we forgot.
Speaker 2:Exactly, exactly. Next one, josh, was the Roadside Attract madness with with jesse brown, aka shorty knits as well. Um, that was this one here, josh, was what I'm gonna say. It, I think, was my favorite episode as well from the year. To be honest with you, just because it was so much fun. Yeah, we each had. If people didn't, if you haven't heard about this yet and you haven't gone back and listened to it yet, this is basically the the, the ducks guts of it, and that is. I had five local roadside attraction locations, josh had five and Jesse had five, so we had 15 in total, josh. They went head to head in like a March Madness sort of style, where the winner takes on to the next round, on to the next round, on to the next round we each had. So, like, if it was Josh versus me, I'd say that my best parts of my particular roadside attraction josh, to say his and then shorty knits would be the deciding fact, yeah, the third person would be.
Speaker 2:The third person would be the deciding mind you, I think, remember going back to this one as well. Sometimes I voted for, not mine, to be honest because we were so convincing we were. No, there were clear leaders. There were clear leaders in some cases so, but yes, I remember josh in the finals, me too, final four I had. I had three of the final four still left but you did not.
Speaker 1:You did not have the champion, I had the champion no, I didn't.
Speaker 2:No, I didn't but okay. Three of the final four.
Speaker 1:I remember the final two. The final two was yours was the world's largest thermometer, right, yes, yes. Good memory, right yeah absolutely. And then up against the world's largest ball of paint.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:And the ball of paint won because it was super interactive.
Speaker 2:Remember, if you went there and you painted it, you were the new world record holder and you got a record holder. You got a certificate, exactly. It came up on my tiktok the other day. Josh, it did. Someone was there doing a tiktok the other day of painting the next ball, because, as you paint the entire ball that he writes a number on it as well as to what number coat you were, um, and then it's, it's hanging from the ceiling with a like a thing as well. So yeah, yeah, yeah, there's a TikTok about it too. So that's Roadside Attraction March Madness.
Speaker 1:What were your thoughts? Well, I was just going to say this is my regret. I really wanted to visit the Ball of Paint. I wanted to visit the winner, because I've never visited before. Shortiness had visited it before, but I never got to it. So that's still on my bucket list. And yeah, I'm gonna go out of limb craig and I'm gonna say too this is my favorite episode of the year.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, um, meanwhile, speaking of this episode as well, it was after this episode. I remember doing this episode, josh, too. I was traveling at the time. I was in my van, I was in my my car, my camper van, my decked out camp van, and I was traveling. And as I was doing this itself, I researched one place called the Enchanted Highway. That's right In North Dakota, the Enchanted Highway. I researched it and I thought this looks really cool. I told Jesse what it was. Jesse had never heard of it. You hadn't heard of it before. Jesse thought it was really cool. And so, a month after that, josh, I was going through North Dakota. Josh, guess what? I saw A sign Enchanted Highway. Guess what I did?
Speaker 2:I went down the Enchanted Highway and it was absolutely. It was everything I thought it was going to be and more, because there's a cache at every single stop, rest stop itself as well, and then Munzee at every single rest stop too, which was awesome to see. So meanwhile, I did see on jesse's um social media. She's been to several, several now of the ones that we researched. Did she go to the? Was it the big? Yeah, we thought it was. I thought it was a poo, but it was a.
Speaker 1:It was a potato yes, I think she stayed in in the potato.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, I think that was one of hers too.
Speaker 1:That was one of the ones and she actually went there like it's kind of cool, it kind of motivated her travel, it motivated your travel. Clearly it didn't motivate mine, because I didn't get to the ball of paint, but there's always. There's always next year, right exactly?
Speaker 2:exactly, it was always 2025. Who knows what's going to happen in 2025? Exactly, all right, josh. Moving on to March 18, we had the best place to take a geovacation. This is episode one, or part one, of the Gulf Shores in Alabama.
Speaker 1:Yes, this was one of our trips. We took this year.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we went to we recorded this live.
Speaker 1:Yeah yeah, we recorded both episodes live. The Gulf Shores of Alabama oh my gosh, how fun was that trip. It was a brilliant trip. We had so much fun. Brilliant trip. What a fun place to visit. We were there for BamaRama, which is an excellent geocaching mega event. Yeah, again, I wish I could go. I think you're. Yes, we'll see. It's on the card.
Speaker 2:It's on the card scott burks is going this next year. Okay, from the gcpc is going. So there you go nice.
Speaker 1:But what? What sticks out to you at for the gulf shores, like what? What has burned in your memory from that trip?
Speaker 2:oh, I had several memories from that trip. Obviously, you know, tim was with us as well, minnesota boy, a good friend first and foremost, a good friend of both of ours. Again, a little rabbit hole I got a Christmas card off him, josh, this year too. So that's really nice. Anyway, big thanks to Tim. Yeah, big shout out to Tim. I know he listens to the podcast and he's a patron as well. So, thank you. Yeah, no, we had Tim there, and if people don't know haven't heard before, tim, he's our driver. Josh, you're in the front seat, you're our navigator and I'm in the back seat making sure all the gear is ready to go for filming and recording. So that's our jobs. And so we, the three three of us, like the three amigos, were driving around all the gulf shores of alabama, so from the beaches themselves were absolutely beautiful. The, the place where we stayed, was stunning as well.
Speaker 2:No one, no one, not one person had ever stayed in that place before, except we broke it in with the very first people. We broke it in first time in the bed, like it was insane and uh. But for me, josh, it would have to be the, the, the place where we saw your friend, your idea. They're playing the, the piano, slash organ, whatever you want to call the keyboard. Um, what was that place called the floribama?
Speaker 1:isn't it floribama, floribama that's on the border of florida and florida and alabama, the coolest, largest sort of dive bar. It has like four concert venues in it. But we saw a jerry, a jerry lewis tribute artist. It was that he was just rocking in a row, I you know and I'm so, yeah, that sticks, that sticks out to me.
Speaker 2:That was so fun, that was so fun and to think okay, people, you probably heard me say this before you heard you heard, you definitely heard me say this in the actual show, these episodes as well. And that is here we are, josh, myself and tim. We've been out the entire day. We've been caching, we've been mingling with people, we've been filming, we've been videoing. We've been doing all these different things. We go to bucky's as well to take tim to his very first bucky's. Went to bucky's and had a at a brisket burger, or no, we call brisket sandwich. You call them here, um, on the hood of the car, like you do at bucky's. You know the only place to have it. Tim was blown away. You know nowhere to sit, but anyway, and then josh traveling back, we were all a bit lethargic yeah, we were bushed, we were tired we're bushed, we're getting to oh man, I'm 50 next year.
Speaker 2:So we're sort of like and josh, you're like, oh, I want to see this guy. I'm like, oh, okay, okay, let's just do it, let's just do it. Then you said we'll go for one song.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that one song lasted his entire set we stayed for all three sets, yeah the whole time we were basically there for like three plus hours it's, it's the it energized us to be honest with you. It was so fun you were man, you were grooving, you were dancing in the groove and then you were?
Speaker 2:yeah, you were, it was, it was like a party.
Speaker 1:It was so fun yeah my entire body was dancing.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, it was so good yeah.
Speaker 1:And we visited the Home of the Thrown Rolls for the first time.
Speaker 2:Oh yes, Remember that. Yes, yes, yes.
Speaker 1:Oh, we played, oh my gosh, we played pinball at Captain Something's Pinball, that's right, the pinball, we had pinball, we rode the go-karts. Yes, we had. Like seafood, we had, um, yeah, you said, the beach.
Speaker 1:The whole city was filled with gadget caches, like good gadget to the brim yeah, and a lot of them were like inspired by, like daniel flieger stuff that like he saw in my videos, which was kind of cool to see. That was cool. Uh, we met, met san marcus, who was just like one of the guys that there were so many things, yeah, and that cabin, like the park that that cabin was at first I was like the nicest cabin ever, but the whole park was filled with geocaches and there were free bikes that you could just go all around and, oh my god, so much craig. And then we went to all those like big things. Remember the lady in the water?
Speaker 2:oh, that's right, the lady, the mysterious lady, and all you saw was, basically, you saw this lady in the water from her neck up, yeah, and then you saw two knees like sticking out in between. So she was like sitting down in the water with her legs up and so and her legs were wide open. It's really yeah, it was the naked lady.
Speaker 1:Well, we think she's naked. We don't know for sure, but assumed we didn't see any clothes yeah, um, and then uh the dinosaurs, the dinosaur, then the bamahenge, which was a replica of stonehenge in alabama. Oh my gosh, now is that. I'm so glad we're reminiscing because that, wow, that was a great one. That was a great one.
Speaker 2:So if you haven't already listened to this, and that is Josh, if we visited these places, we've got a lot more memories attached to these episodes compared to the research ones that we've done, et cetera. We don't have there's many memories of the research ones, but the ones where we actually go and visit, live in ourselves, do it. You know that's the best ones. They're the best ones. So, yes, moving on Josh, to the next one, in April 15th we had the US Dirtiest Places. This one was with Dave Barsky from Dirty Jobs, a good friend of yours and mine, and the show dave barski. Good day to you, mate. Um, yeah, he had the us dirty. This was a great episode.
Speaker 1:Yes, this was a great episode another great, another great title the us dirtiest places to visit. And basically it wasn't really the dirtiest places, but you know, the show dirty jobs is about dirty places. But we talked to dave because he was very well traveled and he talked about all the really cool places he he visited while he was filming for, uh, the show dirty jobs.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, and I remember a bit of a hulk, a bit of a hulk name there. Yeah, for sure. And I remember a lot, lot of Dave's favorite places were on anywhere there was water, because he was loving the seafood. I remember, I think, maine.
Speaker 2:Yes, Maine.
Speaker 1:There was a Florida. South Carolina yes, he loved a lot of shore. We talked about a lot of shore locations.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that island. He talked about that island as well where there's no cars on the island, it's only the horseback, like by horse and cart, on that island. Oh, that's right, and because I remember the job was actually the horse manure picker-upperer.
Speaker 1:That's right. It was Mackinac Island in Michigan. Right, that's the one.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, that's it, that's it. That's a reminiscence. Also, at the same time, josh not brand new, but it's now on netflix is the entire series. The entire series of dirty jobs is on netflix from from season one episode I've been watching, I've been have you. Is it good, is it fun? It is so good, it is so much fun. I, because I've never seen it before. Josh, I'm from australia. We didn't, we didn't get dirty jobs down in australia, like like the actual show, um and so, yes, and to see, and to see the growth, as well as a presenter, that uh oh, who was his name?
Speaker 1:mike row mike row.
Speaker 2:Mike row, to see the growth even of mike row as a presenter in the first I'm talking about the first series, even the first season sorry, the first season. Yeah, he's presenting skills, his humor just with above and beyond, like it got getting better and better each episode, let alone Josh. The actual the footage themselves got better obviously from the first season onwards and also the content in terms of the opening scripts and stuff too, and the opening, you know filming part part. That all got a lot better, a lot more cleaner and a lot more uh in money injected.
Speaker 1:Basically yeah, I'm sure they got a few sponsors as that show got more and more popular.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, all right, big shout out to dave craig.
Speaker 1:Craig, you were like you were, like saying like I had such a bad memory, but you, you were wrong, you were wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong what was I wrong about josh? You're saying I was wrong, but you're looking at the notes the next episode of april 29th was a canadian geocachers top five.
Speaker 1:Top five us like locations which, with jeff may from cash the line, so that that virtual one that virtual one was just me and you, I, I thought it was, and I remember, yeah, I think there was. Now I'm going back to the virtual and I remember one of the places was like, well, maybe that was an adventure lab. Okay, we've had, we've had some adventure lab shows too, anyway, yes, anyway, this was the one. We wanted the canadians perspective on the us and some of the his favorite locations to visit the US from a Canadian's perspective.
Speaker 2:But it did make sense because this is a Canadian geocacher's top five, so he still did do top five, and the other one was 15 virtual locations, which makes sense for five each.
Speaker 1:So that's where my mistake was. I think I get you.
Speaker 2:I get you, I'm going to hold that. That's where my mistake was. I think I get you, I get you, I'm going to hold that. That's a mistake anyway. But in saying that, josh, jeff May, what a great guy he is and again, a big shout out to Jeff May. Cache the line he's a YouTuber, canadian as well, and so he's a nice person is what I'm saying. But he did some good videos, josh, and you've actually cashed with him a few times as well yeah, I cashed with him during the 20th anniversary of geocaching.
Speaker 1:We we climbed the. Why can't I think of it now?
Speaker 2:we climbed it we climbed a mountain it was the one near the uh ape cache yeah, gcd, which is the oldest gcd yes mount, oh, mount, mount margaret.
Speaker 1:I got it. It was there, mount margaret, we climbed it together and he, his style he's the type of geocacher he is is he's an adventurer. He's like, he's like the opposite of of, like a parking lot find, he doesn't even. You know, he in his videos he doesn't. He rarely even covers like gadget caches in town. He's like I'm out in the woods, I'm on a hike, yep, I'm out on an adventure. Um, yeah, that's, if you like that type of thing, you, you need to check out jeff's jeff stuff he does some good footage as well, because he's got a nice drone as well.
Speaker 2:So he does some really nice footage uh, in his, in his videos as well, I don't know. So, yes, big shout out to jeff. So, yes, I did get that mistake. So there we go, anyway. Moving on to may 13, we did road trip to minnesota's north shore and josh's 8 000th geocache. Fine, now you remember this one oh, this was all about you.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, did I? Did we have reese on the show? I don't know. So reese was on. My daughter reese was on the trip. I don't think she was on the show no, she was on the show.
Speaker 1:by the way, last year she was, that was one of her. The most popular shows was the one she was on. No surprise, um, but yeah, I, I shared my finding my eight thousandth cash up here in the north shore of lake superior, up here in minnesota, which is just like, oh my gosh, craig, it's god's country if you ever get a chance up here in Minnesota, which is just like, oh my gosh, craig, it's God's country If you ever get a chance up here. It's just so gorgeous. It's just so beautiful up there In the summer or anytime, anytime. It has a different beauty in the winter, but all seasons it is just gorgeous. And this was the one when I decided to do this trip at last minute and I wanted to do some other things other than find the geocache, so I asked AI to plan my trip, remember.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's, right, yeah, that's right.
Speaker 1:I was like I got this many hours Give me a couple of great places to eat and a couple of other cool hikes, but then I made it very clear I want to find this geocache in this city and it just made me an itinerary and I followed it to a T and we had a great time.
Speaker 2:Thanks to the robots. Yes, yes and Josh, now, correct me if I'm wrong and it may possibly be it's not in the notes and we didn't do research but I do believe that we actually recorded this live in your dining room table, didn't we? I was there to celebrate your 100,000th Was this in person Surprise.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, Was this the one we were in person.
Speaker 2:I think. Well, there was two, because we recorded two, one after the other, remember.
Speaker 1:That's right, because we did the next one across from my table and I think you'll notice.
Speaker 1:You'll notice it because I remember we had a really good flow, because it's easy to kind of. You know we're doing this virtually, if you didn't realize. We're not surprised, we're not sitting next to each other, we're across the country and it is easy to kind of step on one another, you know, in a virtual sense, because there is a like probably a millisecond of delay, something like that. But uh, but we were, we were flowing anytime we're in person.
Speaker 1:So yes, I remember that. Um, it was a great trip. 8 000 caches. I just looked right now I have 8 433 caches. So I've I've done since may 13th I've done 433 caches. So I'm on my way to 9,000. I'm not a power, power, power, power, power with a capital P Cacher like you, craig Me.
Speaker 2:I'm not one either, to be honest with you, josh. Last month I checked because this comes out on the 23rd. Last week, on the GCPC, which I'm a co-host of as well, we do our wrap-up show as well for the GCPC, in which we tell everyone our statistics as well. And, yeah, I got over. I think it was 1,400 fines for this year, but, josh, I only got four, four fines in November. That's it, four In the entire month of November.
Speaker 1:How many Munsies? Did you get that month.
Speaker 2:Four million.
Speaker 1:Four million points at least.
Speaker 2:Everyone knows by now I'm a Munzee player who geocaches. I've changed Josh.
Speaker 1:I've changed.
Speaker 2:Everyone knows that now. But yeah, so yeah. Congratulations, Josh, on your 8,000th find anyway, and looking forward to your 9,000th coming up very, very soon in the following, in 2025.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I should hit it. Yeah, I should hit it next year, you should? I'm averaging roughly probably 700 caches a year, so I'll hit it.
Speaker 2:And I have to figure out. Oh, my hold on.
Speaker 1:I got to figure out what I'm going to do. I always have to make it special. What am I going to do?
Speaker 2:Where am I going to go, am I going to?
Speaker 1:go? Am I going to go to space? Am I going to go to the trench in the middle of the ocean? Who knows, get on the Mars rover, who knows, I have made special trips. It's a great, let's be real. It's a great excuse to make an excuse for, like, I want to go here for my big milestone.
Speaker 2:So 9,000 is big, but 10,000, that's very big for me.
Speaker 1:10,000 is a big muscle that'll be after ten thousand.
Speaker 2:After ten thousand, josh, your next officially your next geocaching milestone is twenty thousand.
Speaker 1:I know it's not eleven, it goes up by tens of thousands so ten thousand will be probably close to 2026. So so I have to think ahead. Yeah, think ahead, but yeah. And Craig who knows, we might be on a cruise ship, who knows?
Speaker 2:This is true. This is true.
Speaker 1:For 9,000.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to discuss that just yet, because there's been some talk, josh. There's been movement. There's been movement in the cruise ship. There's been some waves hitting up against the bow.
Speaker 1:Are we going to talk about this offline or off?
Speaker 2:air, possibly, possibly, but meanwhile we'll leave that for next episode. Uh, josh, I was with you, I was you like that. I was with you at your dining room table to do the next episode, which is craig road trips across the country once again again again. Oh good, um, like you know, everyone knows everyone by now. I love a road trip, josh, like I think it's my favorite now it's my favorite. I used to be a plane guy. I used to be an airplane guy. I don't think so anymore I'm a road trip guy.
Speaker 1:You like your nest you like your nest.
Speaker 2:oh, I love my nest, but anyway, but yeah, so we that mine was, uh, my, my recent trip, um, at that point in time and I think at that time as well, I swear I discussed the fact that I did the North and South Dakota went down and I did Woodstock.
Speaker 1:No, I hadn't done Woodstock yet this wasn't Woodstock.
Speaker 2:No, I hadn't done Woodstock yet, because the reason for that is June 10th of 2024 was 20 years of Geo Woodstock, recorded live.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but it wasn't posted live, so I think this was. I think the May 27th was a part of that trip, at least the way there, oh this is true.
Speaker 2:This is true. Yes, it was, absolutely it was. Yes, definitely it was. Now, see, now you're jogging my memory. So then the next one. Yeah, it was 20 years of recorded live. That was so much fun, josh, again the two of us live on stage. Spoiler alert not spoiler alert, because it's been advertised that you and I, josh, are once again going to be in morgantown, west virginia, for jill woodstock 2025, recording, again live treasures of our town. And we can officially say josh, if you are one of those people that are in the audience at the time listening to us, you have a special one hour chance, josh. One hour chance to get five stages of an adventure lab that's only going to be there for one hour, and you have to listen to us live on stage in order to get those adventure lab credits.
Speaker 1:So there you go so what do you think?
Speaker 2:of that. I think that's a great idea we're gonna.
Speaker 1:We're providing for the geocaching community. Five finds that you can only get if you listen to us and they will be spread out evenly, so you have to listen the whole time the whole you have to be in the whole yeah, 45 minutes force people.
Speaker 1:We we have been toying around, we've been playing around with some ideas on topics and so we haven't locked anything in yet. So this episode, if we're thinking back, we actually went through the locations of all 20 Geo Woodstocks over the years and we had to do them pretty quick. We had a couple fun facts about each and it was really cool because it was a live audience. There were people every year, there were people there that had been to every single Gia Woodstock. So it was fun to get reactions like live reactions of people that yeah, I was at that one, I was in Owensboro, I was in St Louis, I was at in Denver at 14 or um.
Speaker 2:That was just fun and we love these live shows because they're interactive and we get to like I get to roam the audience like Oprah Winfrey style, except you weren't giving away cars or anything like that. Adventure Lab for you, adventure Lab for you. Adventure Lab, we're giving away stuff this year.
Speaker 1:That's exactly right. You get to find it. You get to find it.
Speaker 2:That's what I should actually do. That you get a fine, that's what.
Speaker 1:I actually do that. You get a fine, you get a fine, you get a fine, there you go, exactly, exactly.
Speaker 2:Meanwhile, I'm going to put it out there as well Josh, contact us people I shouldn't say people, but contact us listeners If you have a thought or an idea or something you want, josh and I, it would be a great topic at a Geo Woodstock live performance show recording, at a Geo Woodstock live performance show recording, whatever you want to call it, let us know. Reach out to us at treasuresofourtownpodcast at gmailcom.
Speaker 1:It has to be like the perfect intersection of travel and geocaching, like that's the key. That is, and it might need to be semi-relevant to the event maybe the area. We're probably going to do a separate podcast, because we always do this a separate podcast on morgantown, yes, so that'll be a separate one. So, yeah, uh, yeah, yeah, we're we're going to do more thinking on that but it's going to be a time and I'll just say this greg, I just looked 2600 will attends, over 2600 they're have a 2600 now.
Speaker 1:They're less than 400 will attends from Giga status, giga status. So, and here's the prediction, I mean at that rate, by February this event will be possibly the second Giga event in the United States, third in North America. Yeah, that's how exciting, is that? That's so exciting.
Speaker 2:Absolutely brilliant and of which people already should know, that you and I met at the very first one in Cincinnati back in 2018 in person. That's where we actually met in person for the first time We'll have to reenact it.
Speaker 1:I think we reenacted every year we did. We reenacted it in Owensboro. We reenacted it last year. We got to reenact it again. It we reenacted it last year.
Speaker 2:We got to reenact it again. It gets a laugh. It gets a laugh. If anything, it's a laugh Seeing two older gentlemen running slowly along a stage and slowly embrace each other in a band hug. That's right, that's funny. Um, meanwhile, the one next one after that, josh we did a follow-up with the flagstaff, arizona. Route 66 is most surprising gems oh see, you know what?
Speaker 1:there's a buzzword I, yeah, this one that might have been ai, it might have been, but here's the thing. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. I think it's a fitting name because I had never been to Flagstaff before. It was a delightful city to visit. It was delightful, man. Do you remember the weather? It was like 70 degrees dry.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:And it was like there were pine trees. It was so beautiful. We were standing on stage at Geowoodstock and we were just looking out to the crowd and there were just these beautiful trees. We stayed in this really cool A-frame cabin and we had a fire it was summer, beginning of summer. It wasn't too hot, there were no bugs.
Speaker 2:Josh, we did a separate side event where we went up that mountain and people were still skiing in the snow with shorts on.
Speaker 1:It was really good and I'll say it. We're going back to Geo Woodstock, but one of the most well-done Geo Woodstocks. They really had it down. It was the group from California that put it together.
Speaker 1:Yes, the Spring Fling Group, the Spring Fling, I think it's the geocachers of la los angeles, I think they put it together. But josh, yes, uh, dave barsky was a part of it, bell on the move, all these uh canadian or canadian, sorry, california, california geocachers. That really made that great. And I and it was um flagstaff with josh, the guy who ran uh geowoodstock it was his college town and he knew he was like this is going to be a great spot and it was he knew every.
Speaker 2:They even had a side event, josh, at the uh the hot dog place, where the the actual, you know um, the winslow arizona song was actually created.
Speaker 1:But they didn't want, they didn't want flagstaff arizona, they put it at winslow getting they didn't want, like hot dogs getting hot dogs on the corner in Flagstaff, arizona. It didn't have a ring to it.
Speaker 2:No, exactly Winslow did just down the road, so that's right. Next up, josh we had. This is a good one. He visited every county in the US with mag planning.
Speaker 1:I'm so glad we had him on the show.
Speaker 2:What a perspective. Amazing guy yeah.
Speaker 1:What a perspective he had on this country. He visited all of it. Every nook, every cranny yeah, every county. That's unbelievable.
Speaker 2:So, josh, in my recent travel across from arizona to back to new jersey yes, I was on a bit of a time frame, uh time schedule, but you know I have, I use cashly because I'm ios, I use cashly and cashly. Have the county maps now as well? Yes, I looked, josh, and I looked and I thought to myself this guy and I look back, magplanner and what he actually did to hit every county. I'm lucky to hit two or three counties per state in a straight line, let alone every county in that entire, let alone Texas by itself, for goodness sake, like there's 50 plus counties in Texas alone.
Speaker 1:I mean you can't see me, but this is the. I'm tracing with my finger how he did it, just like back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth across the state.
Speaker 2:Across the state Because I know myself and, as I said before, I wasn't sort of slowing, no, I was driving to the speed limit but I wasn't stopping that often and I was doing long days. I'm talking six seven-hour drive days. It still took me a day and a half to get across to Texas. So if he was to go across Texas and stop in every single county, wow that's what I'll say is wow. So his feat to me was amplified after speaking to him on the podcast and then me driving around and just thinking about him and what he did and what he achieved.
Speaker 1:And he did it in less than a year. That's yeah, we had a small, a small head start because he did much of the east coast but still still less than a year.
Speaker 2:Wow, I think I could do. I could do delaware in a week it's got delaware in a day exactly, exactly, all right. Just after that one, we had adventures on historic route 66 with scott miller, also known as gsm times two. What a man that man is. I tell you right now yes, incredible. This was a great.
Speaker 1:Another great episode, josh there are so many episodes I remember from this last year where we talked about just adventure labs in general. Yes, like adventure labs is just such a we've said it again and again such a cool addition to geocaching. Just it's just more locations for us to visit and this show is about travel, so we're like another location. You know, it's just more ways to point us to interesting, cool destinations and cool, interesting things and roadside attractions, and there's nothing cooler as far as roadside attractions go as Route 66. And so Scott had completed the whole thing and he did all the Adventure Labs on Route 66. And a project that he put together himself. So if you are curious about doing Route 66 and you didn't listen to that episode, it would be a great, that's a great listen.
Speaker 2:It's a great great listen. And the guy Scott himself he has got so much knowledge about because, Josh, he did when you said before he curated the Route 66 Adventure Labs. He did, and in doing so he sort of he researched each one to a certain degree as well. So he really knows his stuff about route 66 for sure. That was great. Exactly moving on to august 5, we had bizarre, quirky and totally fun adventures in the midwest with jack norton from jack and kitty, is it?
Speaker 1:jack and kitty.
Speaker 1:yeah, yes, there we they put together a book about the bizarre, quirky and totally fun adventures in the Midwest, so he had a lot of insight. I really wanted to have him on the show just because he had some insights of some places and he brought up some places that I had never heard of and I've lived in the Midwest pretty much my whole life so it was fun that he picked a couple that we hadn't even heard of or talked about, and I think some of them that he brought up would be possibly good candidates for the 2025 march madness roadside attractions. So I might have to take a look at his book to just get some uh, get some ideas so I can repeat.
Speaker 2:Exactly, exactly, yeah, no, very, very fun. And I remember, because I didn't actually know he was your guest, josh. You invited him along and yeah, so I didn't actually know of him until the show itself. Such a nice guy and a funny guy too, I will say he had. His humor was at my level, which is like real dad joke sort of style too. So he was really cool sort of guy. A lot of puns and his accent. He had that Minnesota accent.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, you know, you betcha, he talked like this.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's almost a cross into Canada slightly. Yeah, oh yeah, you know we have, it's a variance experience.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we have a canada tinge to us, depending on how far north you go, canadian tinge exactly. So, yeah, thank you to jack norton for that one is a great, great episode. Moving on, josh, at august 19 we had top 10 business travel tips with anthony pazuto from geeky a go-go. This is your friend, this is my friend. Now, you invited your friend, I'm allowed to invite my friend. So, yes, anthony was my friend and anthony invited your friend, I'm allowed to invite my friend. So, yes, anthony was my friend.
Speaker 2:And Anthony is a businessman through and through and he works for what's it called Wyndham Hotels, predominantly. What's it called Day's Inn? Day's Inn he works for, and so he travels a lot with work all over the States, and he's a non-Geocach of this guy as well. He knows of Geocaching, he and and he's he's a non-geocacher this guy as well, he does, he knows of geocaching, he knows. I do it same with munzee, but he doesn't do it himself. So this was really a travel show, this one, the travel episode, and in regards to what you can do and your best travel tips whilst you're traveling for business alone, um, some great tips he brought out too. Just saying that too, for all our professional listeners out there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, he did have a lot of great tips and he was a fascinating guest because he does. He's on a podcast again called geeky a go-go and he's just like he's deep in the pop culture stuff. The dude cosplays as the undertaker from wwe and he was like he's, he has a Darth Vader. I mean, he's a tall dude, he's tall.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, he's 6'2", 6'2", so he's taller than me and he's the one too. He's got another YouTube channel out there as well, made by AP, enchir Pazuda. Made by AP, and what he does is he shows people how he makes these things, whether it be his cosplay outfits, or whether it be fixing a bathroom, sink, toilet or whatever it might be. So he does all that sort of stuff as well. And then he helped me, josh, with my decking out of my old SUV as a full-blown camper, so he helped me out with that too, all done in a day.
Speaker 1:Wow, he knows so much. Wow, he, he, he knows so much, like he does. He's a very interesting guy. I would love to have him back on the show, possibly in 2025. Cause he could talk about a lot of stuff.
Speaker 2:And he's got a nice microphone too, like a true, a true ear biscuit he is For the.
Speaker 1:Germans.
Speaker 2:He's, he's, he's podcasting little room, josh. He's actually got all the sound boards around him as well, so it doesn't echo sometimes like mine does sometimes. Anyway, moving on, josh, to September 2nd, we had top 10 weird, unique and strange Airbnb stays across the good old US of A under $200. We had to put a cap on this under $200. This was a great, I will say, for our research episode. It was fun. This was a great research episode. It was fun. You had five, I had five.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was a very kind of like visual show. I remember it was a challenge to describe what we were seeing, but I think we did a good job of describing these airbnbs and it was just like, as we were looking at it, we're like, hi, this is one of the places I want to stay, and so, yes, um, yeah, again, again, airbnb guides our travel. Right, it's not a location-based game, but it is an app. It's an app.
Speaker 2:It is it?
Speaker 1:is guides our travel, so that was really fun.
Speaker 2:It was a challenge to find places under 200, which, but some of the quirkiest stuff were they were under 200 exactly and I will say josh, we, we, we say before that that patrons are our way of funding this particular podcast, that we do, but we wouldn't say no to being, uh, supported by airbnb. Just saying because I know Airbnb does support other podcasts out there.
Speaker 1:They do.
Speaker 2:They do.
Speaker 1:How do we get in on that?
Speaker 2:So yeah, exactly. But in saying that, josh, do you remember your favorite one that you researched? I remember mine.
Speaker 1:You do. Mine was the helicopter, mine was the helicopter. Oh yeah, it was a Chinook, a Chinook helicopter, the Chinook.
Speaker 2:The Chinook helicopter turned into an Airbnb.
Speaker 1:Yes, I remember the last Blockbuster video, which is no longer. I don't think you can actually stay there anymore. I also remember there were several tree. Oh, I remember the storage containers that were stacked on top of each other. That's right, and it was like four stories tall Forest.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it was in the forest too In.
Speaker 1:Texas yes.
Speaker 2:That one sticks out my mind.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that stuck out my mind, yeah.
Speaker 2:Next up, josh. We had 10 reasons to visit your local Renaissance festival. This is your friend now again, jacob Wright. This was a fun episode. I I don't really I've never really researched or been into the renaissance sort of style. I've seen them, heard about them, but it was really interesting and unique for me to to get more information about this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I, I think, of one of some of our episodes like I, might have learned the most from this one. I didn't realize, I didn't realize how involved and how diverse different Renaissance festivals were and the reason we had this show. You might be thinking, oh, that doesn't really sound like travel. Well, there's Renaissance festivals all over the world. Yeah, and just a cool event, and it doesn't have to be about travel.
Speaker 2:You can travel in your local area to a Renaissance Festival. It gets you out of the house, then you're traveling. This is true. Let's just say that If it gets you out of the house and moving, you're traveling. See for me, josh, I thought Renaissance Festival. All I thought about was people dressed up in old clothing and eating turkey legs.
Speaker 1:I think that we did that as a part of it, but there's a lot of it, but it's not all of it.
Speaker 2:There's a lot more, a lot more. So, again, listen to any of these. If any of these pique your interest and you haven't listened to them yet, go back and listen. We really do encourage that. So next up, josh, we had september 30th. We had is fort worth it with tim larson, our friend. Uh, good buddy, tim motor soda boy. He was involved in this show. And this one, josh, you had FOMO.
Speaker 1:This is my FOMO episode because I was not on this trip. It was you, and Tim Is Fort Worth it.
Speaker 2:I think this is a clever title too Is Fort Worth it.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah.
Speaker 2:And we talked about your trip to.
Speaker 1:Fort Worth basically.
Speaker 2:To Fort Worth Exactly. It was a Munzee, predominantly a Munzee trip and yeah, tim and I met up there in Fort Worth I was in my van at the time, or my camper van at the time, and we stayed at a not a particularly good hotel. Remember we had Hotel Woo's and Josh I will say this Anthony Pizzuto, my friend who works for Days In, who we had on the show previously. He reached out to me after the show went live, after listening to it, saying please tell me it wasn't a Days In Craig. I went no, it wasn't, because we didn't mention it. We never mentioned who it was, we just said it wasn't a fun experience. That particular.
Speaker 1:It wasn't the brand of the hotel, it was just that particular hotel itself was under renovations and having issues, and so yeah anyway, yeah, but no, it wasn't a days in, so so if you want, if you didn't listen to the episode, you gotta listen to that episode to hear about their it's great. You know, travel is not always great like they're. Yes, they're often misfortunes and this is a it's a great misfortune story of, like some of the stuff you had to encounter in this, uh, this hotel.
Speaker 2:So go back, go back and listen, but it involved that one evolved getting wet when you didn't want to get wet yes, and then changing rooms, because I know I know next episode in october 14th, josh, we had traveling alone, together, solo travel tips. Remember this one I remember this.
Speaker 1:This was a good episode and I'll just say you know, I loved all the guests we had. We had some really fantastic guests, but a lot of times it seems that some of our most popular episodes are just you and I, and and I and I don't mind. This was really just interesting topic, because both of us don't mind traveling alone. We don't mind, we enjoy traveling together too. But I think we had a lot of insight, as we are sometimes lonely guys by choice. Yes, absolutely.
Speaker 2:And see, people don't know this, josh. People don't realize what an introvert or extrovert actually is, and the definition of an introvert or extrovert is is and the definition of an introvert or extrovert is someone where they get their energy from. So, if you get your energy from being around people, you don't have to be the most energetic person out there, but if you get your energy from being around people, then you're an extrovert. If you get your energy from being alone, you're an introvert. People don't know this, but, josh, you and I, we're both actually introverts, even though we do a podcast, we do YouTube videos, we do all that sort of stuff. We get that energy, though, is when we buy ourselves.
Speaker 1:Basically, I don't know why that's when we energy ourselves, we recoup and then we go out back into the world, Exactly To let it out again To talk people.
Speaker 2:That's right to talk people, that's right, that's right. So, yeah, no again. That was another great episode and, as you said, josh, sometimes our episodes just the two of us together is, uh, some of the fun ones.
Speaker 1:So we had. I think we had good tips. We had good tips on that one.
Speaker 2:We had great tips on that episode. Absolutely fantastic for solo travel tips, yes, uh. Next one this one, josh. We may do this every six months or so and that is a traveler spotlight. Now, this traveler spotlight was on the TikTok creator, emmeline Childs.
Speaker 1:Yes, that you brought along to the show. Yeah, she's a very popular TikToker, but she travels quite a bit for work and for pleasure and, yeah, this was kind of like it was a great conversation with her. She's delightful, she was very fun to talk to and I just think you know everyone everyone's a traveler. So I think this is something that we might do from time to time where we just bring a person on that enjoys travel and just have a traveler spotlight where we ask questions about their experience in their travel, their history with traveling, um, because, yeah, a lot of people have different insights and emmeline had a had a lot of great, uh, great stuff to say about her travels.
Speaker 2:So, she did, she did and she wants to go to australia too, so I was giving her some tips in australia so when she travels overseas, to australia, uh, next up, josh. On november 11th we had top 10 adventure labs across the usa. Adventure labs again, josh. We had more adventure labs episode than what we thought well, what that one?
Speaker 1:the one was 15 virtuals this is true, this was 10 adventure labs.
Speaker 1:However, yes, like even that, that florida episode, that florida episode with things that were free in florida, that was adventure lab heavy as well. We had rusev66 was venture lab heavy, but we wanted to just have, like, what are some of our favorites? So I oh, I remember this, it wasn't that long ago we picked ones that we had, that we had actually done, like, yes, that we had experienced personally, because we wanted to speak from personal experience we've done some pretty cool adventure. So these this is a first hand account of five for me, five from you of our favorite adventure labs across the United States.
Speaker 2:And now as well, if you're actually a geocaching and you're listening to this, you know, with the new rules, josh, about adventure labs, whereby you can actually get yourself assigned an adventure lab if you qualify for one and you're thinking about putting it out there, you know what Go back and listen to that episode and you'll hear the types of Adventure Labs that both Josh and myself really enjoy and to get some ideas about, okay, where am I going to place this Adventure Lab, where it's going to get the most enjoyment, not just the five finds, yeah, and there's some good tips for hiders out there too, because there's going to be more and more hiders now, too, saying so, yeah, just a diverse um ways of hiding it.
Speaker 1:You know, like using all of the tools that adventure labs have, like like go to a location which opens up a video and you can answer the question based on the video or movie locations where you can actually watch the movie location when you're at the spot. Like like the way the app interacts with the real world and how you get an answer for the Adventure Lab. Like yes, I think time on Adventure Lab and then there's a bonus and the bonus matches the Adventure Lab it's more likely to be the favorite point.
Speaker 1:Yeah, for sure. That's just my opinion. I wonder if we should have a bonus cash for our podcast.
Speaker 2:No, we wouldn't be able to have it because we're not there to maintain it. Josh, it's got to be there for the long term. I'm sure we can find somebody and the Venture Lab has to be there for more than an hour. The Venture Lab has to stay there the entire time.
Speaker 1:You can't have a cache, that's placed for an hour. We could just publish it and then archive it.
Speaker 2:Really, I suppose I do know the reviewers for West Virginia, but anyway, Not really the spirit, yeah, not really the spirit of geocaching spirit of geocaching.
Speaker 2:Uh, and josh, of course. Then the last two episodes, november 25 and december 9th, was our patreon, patreon q, a pot purees, part one and part two. Uh, and if you didn't hear this one, we reached out to our patrons and said look, what questions do you have of us? And we answered patrons questions, josh. So over the last two episodes they were fun, they had some good questions. And then what sparked out of that, josh? This cruise.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:We talked about possibly doing a cruise. All I'll say is, josh is, I have contacted the person, the lady involved, and we may have her on the show in the next uh, few episodes or a few months. Uh, in the meantime, I had a few of our patrons and turtle of four reach out to me and said, if, yeah, and said, uh, craig, if, if we're off work when you do it, like if I can get the time off work to do it, then we'll be there.
Speaker 1:That'd be so much fun, I know. So that's interesting. That's just four people, we haven't even. It's not even for sure yet, and there's already four people, so we could probably get, who knows, 20 people.
Speaker 2:Maybe, Maybe, who knows, that would be fun, that would be fun. Let's be honest we have a lot of power to promote things in different ways, that's for sure, exactly not just on this media, but also other social medias as well. Okay, that's our show, that's our wrap-up for 2024 josh, what a great year.
Speaker 1:That was so much fun. I really like this show because it just fills me with so much gratitude. When you go through the whole year and you you start sparking your memory of like everything you did and everything you experienced and the people we got to talk to, I just I don't know about you, but I'm just like filled with gratitude. I'm like, oh, what a great year, lived um and so and what a great hobby. And I'm just, yeah, I'm just really grateful for you, craig um, for, uh, this is just an awesome way also just to document the things that we've done in travel when we're sitting in our sitting, in our old chair, as old men, we'll be like hey, would you please, would you please put on that.
Speaker 1:I want to hear some. I want some ear biscuits in my ear. Not real biscuits, ear biscuit. They'll be like what's an ear. They'll be like what's an ear biscuit. I'll just put on the show, me and Craig. Yeah, okay, that's enough.
Speaker 2:This is Josh sitting in his recliner in his retirement home old people's retirement home. I people, yeah, annoying people because he's he's got the remote control to the television which has got youtube on it, and he's literally watching his entire youtube on repeat, over and over again, and going people did you see this? This was my. This is my daughter, reester bunny.
Speaker 1:I used to call a reester bunny and this is the reason I call her, and now she's 75 and she's a grand, she's a grandmother herself and I'm a great, great, great grandfather.
Speaker 1:Uh, yeah oh, wow anyway, but anyway anyway, and I'll just say one more thing about this. Last year, you know what? Um, we had a great year of podcasting. This was our second year. The third year is coming up and I just want you to know I'm proud of this podcast. It's a rare thing these days it's a damn rare thing these days that people are just so proud of our award-winning podcast According to Good Pods, and I'm grateful for you. Thanks for pushing me into doing this, and I didn't have to push too hard I just sent you a microphone?
Speaker 1:yeah, but we're a good you know, I think we're a good team and I want to just thank everybody that has decided to take time out of their lives to just listen to two, two dudes ramble about travel and geocaching and finding and finding stuff in the woods yeah, and airbnbs and all the things that we've talked about this year exactly, exactly and don't forget as well, feel free to send us a message, because there's a link where you, wherever you're listening to this podcast, there's actually a link to actually send us a message.
Speaker 2:And if you do, make sure you, you, you title it at the bottom with your name so we know who it's from, because otherwise, josh, it doesn't tell us either. And I've had a couple people reach out and it's like who that's from. So, yeah, feel free to send us a link, let us know your thoughts, let us know if you've got an idea, josh as well. They've got an idea, they can send us an idea. If you've got an idea for a show, we're always open to ideas for shows if it's a good idea if it's a good idea, you'll hear it, if it's not, you won't.
Speaker 2:It's just not that.
Speaker 1:It's plain and simple exactly but otherwise, josh, how yes yes, and if you've been enjoying this podcast, there we go. We really appreciate your support.
Speaker 1:We really appreciate our patrons that have supported us all year long, even the, even the, some of the ones that have just chose to drop off. We know life happens. That's fine, but I just want to know all our patrons from 2024, thank you. Thank you for keeping this going. This, this podcast, is fully supported by you, and so we appreciate that, and we will continue to give you some golden nuggets, more ear, special ear biscuits that only the patrons can listen to. Uh, so if you're interested in joining our patreon, there's always room in the family and you could be a part of the the patron potpourri shows. Just go to patreoncom, backslash, treasure star of our town, and and there's several levels there we would love your support.
Speaker 2:Thank you very much, and also Josh as well. How can people find us if they wish to?
Speaker 1:Feel free to reach out to us at treasures of our town podcast at gmailcom, or you can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X and YouTube.
Speaker 2:So that's it for our show today and for the rest of the year. So please subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app like GoodPods, and, as always, josh.
Speaker 1:Your travels always lead you to the most unexpected and amazing pin jumps around the world. See you next time. We'll see you next year, see you next year, see you next year. Goodbye, bye.