Treasures of our Town

Top 15 Underrated US spots guided by Virtual Geocaching.

February 19, 2024 Craig (Seemyshell) and Joshua (Geocaching Vlogger) Season 2 Episode 4

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Embark on a virtual treasure hunt with us, Joshua and Craig, as we uncover America's most beloved virtual geocaches on "Treasures of Our Town." Imagine yourself taking a leap into the world of geocaching, where every corner of your journey is laced with mystery and the promise of discovery. Our latest episode is a cache-full of stories, from the competitive fun of Munzee to the innovative caches like the Grave Hop, which turns a cemetery into a game board. We even take you to off-beat places like the world's largest dresser drawer and share a heartfelt tribute to the communal spirit of geocaching, exemplified by figures like the Hailmeister.

Strap in for a geocaching adventure that spans the quaint, the quirky, and the downright breathtaking. Feel the rush as we recount our journey to a library straddling the US-Canada border and the exhilaration of scaling South Arapaho Peak. Geocaching isn't just about the find; it's about the chase and the stories you collect along the way, like our own missed hike to Castle Dome and the memorable Barney Smith's Toilet Seat Museum. These are the tales that make each geocache more than just coordinates—they're chapters in the grand adventure book of life.

As the episode winds to a close, we leave you dreaming of the Triple Crown's majestic Appalachian views and curious about the Pork Chopper's nod to police aviation history. And if urban exploration is your jam, we tease a unique Detroit geocache. Whether you're a geocaching veteran or new to the sport, our spirited anecdotes and hidden gems are bound to inspire your next escapade. Join us for an episode that transforms every listener into an explorer, one geocache at a time.

Project GC List
Josh's Toilet Seat Video
Craig's Cache Across America Playlist

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Speaker 1:

It's actually known as the only library in USA with no books. I think it's great Funny yeah that's a good one, that's a real big one. Oh my gosh, I'd love to do another one. Do you love to travel?

Speaker 2:

Do you love finding hidden treasures and towns all over the USA? Hi, I'm Joshua.

Speaker 1:

And I'm Craig. Welcome to Treasures of Our Town, the podcast that explores unique and charming towns scattered throughout the United States.

Speaker 2:

Join us as we venture into some of the country's most intriguing destinations, uncovering hidden gems and local secrets along the way.

Speaker 1:

On today's episode, josh, we're doing not one to 15, we're doing 15 to one of the. What would you class them as, josh? What would you class these as the most favorite virtuals in the good old US of A? And when we talk virtuals, we're talking virtual geocaches, of course.

Speaker 2:

This is going to be virtually a really good one.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be a great episode, Virtually absolutely. How have you been? What have you been up to the last few weeks?

Speaker 2:

Oh well, I don't think I've been up to as much as you have been up to. I've been up to my day job, which is going great. But yesterday was a big day of Munze for me. Can you believe it? A big day of Munze for me in February in Minnesota.

Speaker 1:

Geez, I did see that, mate. You got lots and lots of points. Now I've been trying to peg you back from your Florida trip and the extra day you spent in Florida and just obliterated me. And I've been trying to peg you back, but after yesterday, nope, that's all lost again. So well.

Speaker 2:

Florida really motivated me, now that I'm ahead of you again, to maintain my lead. And if you're listening to this podcast for the first time, you're like what the heck are these guys talking about? They're using strange words right away the word Munze, what? It's? Another location-based game similar to geocaching, and we have a lot of fun with it, and yesterday was a big day because there were double points. So I had over a half a million points and it was a good time and I got to hang out with our good friend Minnesota boy and my whole crew. I rejoined my crew. I rejoined my crew.

Speaker 1:

You rejoined your crew after you went solo. You did what are those singers, Josh, that go solo? I mean, there's a few Harry Styles. You did a Harry Styles and went solo and actually made more money but got more points, went higher levels and then you reneged and went back to your group. So that's really nice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm back. It was a reunion, it was fantastic. Now, craig Craig is currently still on the road on your big road trip. Last time we talked you were on the road trip. I think last time we talked you were somewhere on the East Coast. Where are you now? I'm gone.

Speaker 1:

I've gone in West. I mean Alabama, alabama, so that's where I'm currently sitting. I'm sitting in a baseball parking lot as well. I'm telling you now, scott and Jesse from the GCPC would be proud. I'm sitting in an empty parking lot in a baseball field here in Alabama, just over the border itself. I've been doing a lot of Munzie, playing a lot of geocaching as well, and I've been starting my videos again, josh, too.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I've been enjoying those videos. You're doing the cash across America. Have you been targeting these cash across America? Geocaches?

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, so I've been targeting them only in the last few weeks, since I've basically started my road trip. Before I did my road trip this time around, I hadn't actually obtained any. So this is all fresh territory for me. Because cash across America. Nancy, a good friend, nancy, up in Buffalo, new York, she's the one that reached out to me and said, craig, have you heard about this cash across America? And so she gave me the list, because her website, geocachingcentralcom, has the full list, josh, of the cash across America. So I downloaded that list and away I go. And, actual fact, here you go. And a previous episode where we spoke to your daughter, reese the Rock Johnson, about what was the place called. Again, I can't Green the Bowling Green. Bowling Green, kentucky. Yes yeah, cash across America. Kentucky is located at the Bowling Green until a week ago and it got out of hand, so I'll have to look at now.

Speaker 2:

Because it was at the Corvette Museum and they were probably like why are these people keep on going next to the woods at the Corvette Museum?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Are they searching out another sinkhole? Is the whole museum going to fall?

Speaker 1:

into a hole, exactly. So anyway, josh, we don't have that much time to spend because, I said, I'm in my car at the moment and I'm running on like a jackery battery, so we've got to get a move on. Firstly, josh, tell the people especially those non geocaches that listen as well what is a virtual geocache?

Speaker 2:

I will tell them but, here's the deal. I need to make a qualifying statement before we start this podcast today. Okay, yep, and that is this is not a geocaching podcast. No, but I'm going to say today it's, I'd say, heavy-ish. Would you say, greg, heavy-ish on the geocaching content?

Speaker 1:

It's as heavy as a sumo wrestler on the geocaching content. Josh, that's all it is 100%.

Speaker 2:

And yes, so it's heavy on geocaching. This podcast, if you're listening to the first time, this podcast is a travel podcast guided by geolocation games, and so today we are going to be talking about virtual geocaches, which I'll tell you what that is in a minute. And these are locations. I'm just really excited because this list is really spread out all around the country. So, craig, a virtual geocache is on the geocaching website, geocachingcom. However, it is a geocache that is pretty rare I'd say fairly rare where you are not looking for a physical container With regular geocaching. You're looking for some sort of box or some sort of thing where you sign a logbook. With a virtual geocache, it usually takes you to a really cool location and when you get there, you have to either get your picture there or you have to get some information at the location, and once you do, you can kind of claim it as a find on the geocaching website.

Speaker 2:

So it takes you to a cool place, and let me just say this too it's often places that physical geocache would not make sense, true, true Meaning that it would cause suspicion or like, or it would disappear.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, Josh. Do you own a virtual geocache?

Speaker 2:

I almost do. What do you mean? You almost do?

Speaker 1:

Explain, you almost do.

Speaker 2:

So, geocaching.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say you can't actually just go and place a virtual cache. It has to be awarded to you from headquarters and they've done several handouts over the last few years.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they just awarded another round of virtual geocaches that can be hidden in January. And finally, Craig, I got one. Oh, you did, I got a credit, so, but I haven't put it out yet. So I'm really thinking about you know, what should I do? And I wanted to kind of maybe do this show so I could be inspired, or other people could be inspired. That got, you know, some of those credits to think about what makes a great virtual geocache or what makes a great location and many of these. As we went through, we're going to divide these up and divide and conquer many of these places. I'm like, oh, I want to do that. That sounds like a lot of fun.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, exactly Now. We used a website called Project GC to obtain this and I'll explain. Project GC is just another website and it's more statistics driven website regarding all your geocaching needs and fines. They do challenge cash checkers. They do anything from like you see here, with the best, the worst, the most found, the least found, like any, any Josh, any statistic you can think of is on Project GC and not just your own. But you can do individual players, you can do worldwide, you can do, you know, you can even do county wide, josh, county wide.

Speaker 1:

So this is the.

Speaker 2:

This is the. Probably the very nerdy side of geocaching is all the all, the all the statistics. Oh yes, I can't believe that I haven't found the fourth county from the left in Ohio.

Speaker 1:

Josh is saying that, though I did. I did have a conversation with our good friend Tim, a Minnesota boy, yesterday in regards to you and I, and he said that you know, with Munzie, play, for instance, you got your spark back a little bit, since I actually I overtook you in the points, and you got your spark back now and you're playing a lot more, et cetera. And I said, tim, the thing is, though, josh and I we never actually talk about oh, how many fines do you have, how many quality fines do you? We don't talk about that. In geocaching, that often Munzie's a very different beast altogether, isn't it really?

Speaker 2:

Yes, because I think geocaching is you know, especially these what we're talking about today. It's it's about locations, so it's not really very competitive Like, oh, I got, I got this location and you didn't, although I was jealous when you, when I saw that gigantic dresser drawer that you found somewhere. Oh my gosh, where was that? Where was that?

Speaker 1:

South Carolina, south Carolina. So it was a city in South Carolina, josh, and again, we could do a show just on a couple of little hidden gem towns that I've been to across my road trip so far. South Carolina, I'm not sure, because you didn't put on the show notes to talk about it, so I'm not sure exactly the location, but stalk my statistics and you'll see. But there is a. It's classed as the biggest furniture town in the US, and the, the, the, the world's largest dresser drawer, is there, and it's just literally in a, in a, on the side of the road, you know, in in a residential area as well. It's got socks coming out of the, the drawer as well, and I'm going to say this thing, josh this thing is going to be at least four stories high, but there's another one, and it's the world's largest tall boy dresser draw. So there's different dresser draws. That one, though, is actually at the furniture business, and that is an actual virtual gear cash as well.

Speaker 1:

Okay, owned, because who owns that one, josh? You know him very well. Who owns it? Who owns that virtual gear cash? Yeah, the world's tallest tall boy in South Carolina? Doug McCree, I don't know who. Is it? The hailmeister what the hailmeister owns, that virtual yes.

Speaker 2:

I know right Cool.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't even live in that state, you know. So, yes, anyway.

Speaker 2:

So, before we get into this list, we're doing the top 15 virtual locations according to ProjectsGC, according to a very special nerdy sort of algorithm it is. It is called the Wilson lower score, something, something.

Speaker 1:

See a guy called Wilson or a lady called.

Speaker 2:

Wilson, wilson figured it out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wilson did.

Speaker 2:

But these are high percentage favorite points, and so, if you're not a geocacher, what that means is that people award points to geocaches that they really love, and so this has a high percentage of favorite points, and many of these, as we go through many of these, a lot of them, are like at 100%, like if they found it, even if it was only like six people, if they found it, they all gave it a favorite point. So these are really cool locations. If you're not a geocacher, you're going to enjoy the show because you can go to these locations and not be a geocacher. These are destinations.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and they are exactly what the show is about, and that is hidden gems, josh, they're hidden gems.

Speaker 2:

They're not the big things. A lot of geocachers are not even going to know what they know about these.

Speaker 1:

No, I didn't know a lot of them.

Speaker 2:

So if you are a geocacher, you'll love this show too.

Speaker 1:

Josh, do you want to start? You can do the odds and I'll do the evens. Do you want to go 15 to 1? Mate, do 15 to 1?. Get to the countdown.

Speaker 2:

Sure, are we going to give GC codes as well as we go along. Or will they be in the show notes?

Speaker 1:

The whole list is going to be in the show notes. The whole project GC list is going to be in the show notes.

Speaker 2:

So if you're at your desktop and want to play along, it'll be in the show notes. You can look at the pictures and stuff of these locations and stuff like that. All right, number 15. Number 15. Number 15 is in the Ozarks of Missouri, north of Branson. We've talked about Branson on this podcast when we talked about our Christmas episode. Like it's a big Christmas tree place. Exactly, yes, and this is an old one. This one was created in 2002. Sadly, sadly, it's archived.

Speaker 1:

And it's still on the list.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, two of these lists are archived, but we kept it on the list because, for example, this one, this, still exists. So what this is called? This is called Grave Hop, grave Hop. It sounds like a new Halloween song. We're going to the Grave Hop baby. We're going to the Grave Hop baby, we're going to see some dead stuff.

Speaker 1:

All the zombies are dancing, like you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're at the Grave Hop baby. I don't know why I just made it a 1920s song.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, what's about this?

Speaker 2:

church, so it's a cemetery. It's a cemetery, as you guessed. You could probably guess and you know in the world of geocaching there's a lot of cemetery hides. But the thing that was cool about this is I did my research, the concept was really cool and this concept could be replicated at any cemetery in the world Really, really, especially if you have a cemetery that has, like, famous people buried there. But what you do is you go to the geocaching website and you download a game card and the game card has all, like I don't know, like 30 or 40 different coordinates with different graves you need to find and then at each spot you need to answer a question. This is really. This is going to take a lot of work and once you get 20 points on the game card and I don't know if the different locations are worth different points so once you get 20 points, you take a picture of the game card and then you upload, you send that to the owner of the virtual and then you get the get the find. That's pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty, it's like. It's like. It's like a grave graveyard bingo.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, I've never been there for the really old, totally yes, yeah. So I've never heard of this concept. I don't know. I looked, I don't know if there's anybody. I'm sure there's some people famous buried there. But what I really loved about this is it was just like the concept of it. The concept of like it would probably. It looks like a lot of people that did do it. It took them hours to do it, so really yeah, yeah. It's a lost cemetery outside the Ozarks called Grave Hop Baby, north of Branson.

Speaker 1:

Number 14. Number 14. Now we're going down. Number 14 is in Ohio. This one here is called Grove City, remembers? The cash owner itself is K. I'm going to say KB last, rather than K blast, k blast, k blast, k blast. It's a DT, josh, a DT, dt. Difficulty and terrain. So this difficulty is a five, so it's the hardest difficulty you can do. Terrain is a one which is the easiest difficulty you can do. You can do in a wheelchair. To complete this virtual geocache, you'll be driving to three different locations around Grove City. This is Josh, again like your one just as well. You don't have to actually download the bingo card, sort of thing, okay, but you do have to use your cell phone and what you have to do is, when you get to your first location, you have to text this cell phone, the actual answer you get that correct, and then the cell phone will text back to you, or that cell number will text back to you, the next spot you see, oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

And you go in, vice versa, vice versa, all the way through. Now if you don't get any text back at all, then you're wrong and you got to redo the answer and have a look, make sure it's the correct one, etc. Etc. So that's how it is. So it is like a. It's like a virtual tour again of this Grove City and a multi-cache and a multi in kind of like a kind of like a homemade where I go.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sorry, sorry for you guys, for people that don't know what that is. But okay, craig, so is it automated or is there's just some guy in his apartment His key blast is hanging out answering questions?

Speaker 1:

It's automated. It's automated because the person. You're the person you're texting. His name is FIP, p H I, p, fip or P HIP. That's that's the person you're texting, so it's automated and goes from there. It takes about 15 minutes total to do if you're not, if you're correct the whole time around, so it's not too long itself to do it. It's got 64% favorite points, this one itself and, as I said, yeah, it runs like a virtual tour of town with an automated quiz master Josh with this one.

Speaker 2:

So that's really cool. Did you look at any of the photos? What kind of places did it? Does it take you in in Grove City?

Speaker 1:

I didn't look at the photos because you didn't want to spoil it. Right, you didn't want to spoil it for yourself Exactly.

Speaker 2:

You're going to be going to Grove City. You're going to want to. You're going to want to see it in person.

Speaker 1:

Exactly Right, so yeah, no, I didn't actually look at the photos. That's number 14,. Josh, there you go, in Grove City Ohio.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and now for number 13,. Guess where we're going? See, michelle, we're going back to Ohio. Oh, really, you know what, craig? I think geocaching is very big in Ohio. Yeah, like, I think there are a lot of geocachers for the size of that state. Yeah, I mean, when we went to to Seneca County to do the pizza tour, shout out to that episode. That was great. There's a lot of geocachers in Ohio. You know the Midwest geobashes there and like that, that's one of the biggest geocaching events in the country. Like, yeah, just a side note, there's no surprise that several of these might be our Ohio.

Speaker 2:

This one is called back country virtual reward and this is in a little town called Yellow Springs, ohio. It's a little outside Dayton. It's basically a wilderness park and I read the cash page. It was so interesting. The cash owner basically says there's so many amazing, beautiful places all over the world. I love travel, I love getting out, but there's no place like home, and he utilized his virtual to highlight this wilderness park that was filled with. I actually looked at the pictures for this one.

Speaker 1:

I spoiled it for myself.

Speaker 2:

There are rock formations, several waterfalls, so there's 10 different spots. You have to get information at 10 different spots throughout this wilderness area and it's about a five mile hike, so it's nothing like wow. That's super special, but I think this just highlights that there's treasures in every town.

Speaker 1:

Exactly right.

Speaker 2:

This was this back country wilderness tour with 10 different locations with several waterfalls and rock formations. Beautiful area it's number 13, back country virtual.

Speaker 1:

How long do you reckon it'll take to do the five? And you have to do it by foot. So actually I, actually I can't do this one in a vehicle. So again, it's one of those ones where you need to get out and get some exercise, Josh, which we all need. Yes, I'd say 10 spots.

Speaker 2:

You've got to get the picture. Probably got to get the information. I can't remember if there's information. It's tough to get information out in the wilderness, so it might just be pictures.

Speaker 1:

But I don't know.

Speaker 2:

How long does it take you? For a five mile hike and a little bit of stopping, I'd say it's going to take a couple hours at least Exactly A couple hours to do it. Probably two.

Speaker 1:

Exactly right. So it depends on your fitness level, et cetera. Well, josh, number 12, we're going to go up north in number 12. We're going on the border, the border of the US and Canada border. It's called the Haskell Free Border Crossing. Yes, haskell H-A-S-K-E-W, not Hassle Haskell Free.

Speaker 2:

I love a good Haskell Free border crossing.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. The CEO of this one is Mr ARC. It's located in Vermont technically Vermont and Canada as well. It's a 2022 cash. The DT is a 2-1. So it's an easier one to get because you only need two photos self to actually log the cash. 69% favorite points Now the Haskell Free Library and Opera House. That's what it is. It's located on the border of USA and Canada and Josh literally on the border there's a line that goes through the center of the building that's so funny. That's so cool.

Speaker 2:

Half the building's in Canada, Half of it the. Us, that's brilliant.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Once you get in there itself, one of the photos you need to take is you literally crossing over the border inside back and forth. You can jump back and forth as much as you want, but the CEO on the page says please, please, please, only do this inside the building, because it's illegal to do it outside the building.

Speaker 1:

So, you only do it inside the building itself, not outside. Now there are guided tours available, but not required for the find, of course as well. You do have to check the opening hours. For this one, it is only available Tuesday through to Saturday, so no, sunday and Monday is closed. But, josh, this is what I found the funniest thing the funniest thing about this whole thing, because it's the Opera House and the library. Right, technically, the library component of the building is on the Canadian side, with all the books et cetera, so it's actually known as the only library in USA with no books.

Speaker 2:

I think it's great.

Speaker 1:

Funny. Yeah, that's a good one, that's a real good one. I love the new one.

Speaker 2:

Is there a Border Patrol guy inside the building like taking passports?

Speaker 1:

Yes, because you can only actually enter from the US side. You can't actually enter from the Canada side, so you can only enter from the US side.

Speaker 2:

So if you're Canadian, you're going to have to go into the United. States and then go into the building. There's no window. You can't just go through the window.

Speaker 1:

No, no. And also on the cash page. I thought this was funny on the cash page, josh. They did have that back in the day when it was built and everything as well. It was used as like a place to put smuggle things over the border, that sort of thing. So the guy said I had to place a virtual cash here because placing a physical cash would look too suspicious. Yes, makes total sense.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's number 12. So far that's my favorite so far, craig. I know I knew it was. That was a good one. I got to visit that. All right, so we're going to number 11. We're almost broken to the top 10, craig. We're going to Colorado, we're going to the Rocky Mountains and we're going to the South Aropa Peak. Craig, this is a mountain top. This is way up there. Oh my gosh, I look at the pictures. It is beautiful.

Speaker 2:

This is east of Boulder and we're talking if you're a decent hiker four hours up, four hours up, four hours one way, four hours one way, probably maybe three hours down, and this has only been logged six times. This is not an easy one to get to. I think this is a terrain five. And I think the difficulty is pretty. No, it's not.

Speaker 1:

Dt is 3 and 1 half, 4 and 1 half, so it's a 4 and 1 half terrain because you don't actually need specialist equipment, you just need to be really fit. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Again, this is a here's what I love about geocaching I don't know about you. I'm intimidated. I'm intimidated by mountain hikes Because you don't necessarily know what you're getting into. You don't know if you're going to have to be doing bouldering or if you're going to sometimes need special equipment. What I love about geocaches like this it pretty much tells you exactly what you're going to run into and if you run it, if you read the logs, you can know other people's experience, because it's intimidating.

Speaker 1:

I mean people this is how you die.

Speaker 2:

This is how you die. Geocaching is doing stuff like this, but it seems like this though even though it's a four hour hike up, it seems doable, which I really like, and when you get up there I don't know if this is unique in the world of mountaineering that's what I'd say. But there's this big metal disk like the size of a pizza up there. On the ground or on the ground On top of the mountain at the peak and you have to do some measurements or whatever to prove that you were up there.

Speaker 2:

So you'll see the pictures of it if you looked at the cache page. But yeah, it just looks like one of those, just beautiful. I don't know if it's a 14er, I don't know if it's that tall.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that tall If you look at the pictures they're way up there.

Speaker 2:

And well, this should give you a clue of how maybe difficult it is. One of the people that did it said oh, I did this the next day after I hiked up Pike's Peak. Oh jeez, that's insane. I've driven up Pike's Peak, it's up there. Can you imagine hiking up Pike's?

Speaker 1:

Peak. No, thank you.

Speaker 2:

This is for people that you've got to be in shape. You've got to be in shape you do, but I would like to do something like this someday. This would be quite an accomplishment.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Well. Quick side story, josh I follow a guy on YouTube and he's a traveler slash. He likes to do his hikes and some climbs from mountains as well, and he films himself, even with drones, as he's literally climbing the side of the mountain. There's a drone hanging off the side filming him do it Like he's a solo traveler. He's fantastic. But he gets up to the top of these mountains and, josh, he finds these ammo cans, he finds PVC containers and he calls them the their peak logs. So you sign your name on the peak log. So there you go. Yeah, no, I could explain. I messaged him saying you know, are you sure that's not a geocache, whatever? He's like no, no, I do geocache. Well, these are peak logs. I'm like oh, there you go. So there you go. Anyway, I digress, josh, as always.

Speaker 2:

Number 10.

Speaker 1:

Number 10. Top 10, baby Top 10. We're in the top 10. Now this one is located in DC District of Columbia. Yeah, the DC itself. This one's called Leakey and Teddy the CEO is pengal. One, two, three, I've not even known for sure if I said that. Right, the DT for this one, now, d difficulty, T terrain is three, five. Yep, it's a terrain five. I mean, you need a boat. You need a boat for this one.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna need a boat.

Speaker 1:

You need what, what, what, what specialists are quick and doing, need to be in DC, apart from, like you know, just something to block your ears from all the politics. But anyway, you have to visit. You have to visit three bridge locations. You see, and do three questions and a photo. But get this, josh, you also have to submit a drawing of one of the bridges.

Speaker 1:

You have sitting in a rock boat and you're trying to draw one of the bridges. I mean, I don't know if he, if he rate, he or she rates your scores, your bridge drawing or not, but yeah, you have to do a drawing as well. So it's all, and it's all about the bridges itself as well, that cross the Potomac River. Apparently, it's a great, a great history lesson for the bridges and how they were, were built and and what they're useful. So there you go.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's, that's fascinating. I wonder you know, what kind of? Did you look at any of the pictures? What kind of I did?

Speaker 1:

I did. Well, any kind of boat. So you can do it in a kayak, for instance. Okay, do it in. You know we call a tinny in Australia which is, yeah, we call aluminium, you call it aluminum boats. You know we call them tinnies. But so, yeah, you can do it. Any sort of boat. Yeah, so you don't have to like charter a boat. No, you don't have to bet, if you don't have one, that I suppose you would have to try red one or something right, okay, so there you go.

Speaker 2:

I like that 10. That's all right. In Josh Number nine no, no, like that. Do you like that?

Speaker 1:

I was trying to.

Speaker 2:

I was trying to make it all, like you know, like MTV's top. Well, mtv hasn't done a top 10 since 1998 98, but never mind.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm showing your age, yeah.

Speaker 2:

We're going to West Virginia West.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Take me home country route. This is in New Cumberland.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is at the very tippy top of West Virginia. Yeah, it's biggest city, closest to it, pittsburgh it's on, though, it's on the. It's like that little section between Ohio and and Pennsylvania and there's a little little section of land that's West Virginia.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, this one is called I have.

Speaker 2:

I am come to the storehouse of knowledge. That doesn't sound like good English. I am come to the storehouse of knowledge.

Speaker 1:

That's what's called. I am come. I am come to the storehouse of knowledge. You can say, yes, I am come.

Speaker 2:

And this is a historical building, used to be like an elementary school. But the thing that makes it special about this, this is a land, a land. This is a land where they've created bricks in the past, and so the outside of the building are these. You'll have to look at the pictures on the website.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you're playing along now.

Speaker 2:

There's decorative bricks Embedded into the building of like different things. There's like one of like like a horse and there's like a woman laying down like inside the bricks, like a little thing and the whole thing this is. This can be really fun for kids. It's like a scavenger hunt, treasure hunt, finding different things hidden inside of each of these bricks.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm just gonna buy those.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, answering several questions. So it's kind of like it's a historic building, but the unique thing about this are these bricks that are embedded in the building that have this like all these really cool Designs. It kind of reminds me of my comic book the greatest treasure where where the pyramid. You had to find all the little things inside of it. Yeah, something.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say this very much to me looks like the pyramid sort of style, you know, the Egyptian style sort of, with the higher Hyroglyphics.

Speaker 2:

That's it not hydroglyphics. It's not water Hyroglyphics.

Speaker 1:

In that one, josh, you got eight.

Speaker 2:

You got eight down questions to answer as well, and it is a DT of D3, the terrain to so yes, you know some of these, a lot of these I'll just say a lot of these on the list list. You got to give yourself some time on them and I think, craig, that's that's why some of these are ranked high on the lower Wilson score, because if you're going to spend, for example, four hours Hiking up a mountain, or if you're just gonna spend a couple hours like doing a scavenger hunt with bricks or whatever, you're gonna be like wow, that took a lot of effort and I feel accomplished, that I completed it.

Speaker 2:

So I'm going to give it a favorite point. I think a lot of these have to do with a sense of how the the person that was doing it felt after they were done. They're like that was a cool experience. These are not just like quick parking grabs.

Speaker 1:

These are experiences these aren't the ones where you literally go to a Statue or something, take a selfie with a statue and submit that that's it, they're done. You know, that's that's not really. Some people do that and don't even read the description. I don't even know why the statue exists, josh. They're just there for the, for the smiley, and that's it. So they are very, very true, very true. Well, we're getting down now to number eight, josh, eight in the list. We're going all the way across to California. Baby. This one's called I'm gonna, I'm gonna really butcher this name, but it's Santa Nez Lake Shrine. Why and is it? Is it Nez?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, Nez, yeah, Nez. I think it's a yeah, Santa yeah.

Speaker 1:

Nez Santa, yeah, nez Lake Shrine. We know this CEO, josh, we know this one you think she listens to the show?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think she does. Yeah, you duck.

Speaker 1:

Udak is the CEO of this one. It's 2019, so it's relatively new each compared to the 2002's DT of two one and a half, because there's one question and one photo. So it's not that hard, simple.

Speaker 2:

But but, josh, again this is a hidden Jam if ever I've seen it here, this is tell me about it 80% favorite points.

Speaker 1:

Itself it looks. I look at the photos. It looks beautiful, josh. It's a tranquil garden scape near Santa Monica in California itself. It features a spring-fed lake that used to be. Josh used to be part for an area where they used to do all the film, all the silent movies, back in the Meet yeah so that's all stuff.

Speaker 1:

That's really cool and since then it's now opened up. Lake Shrine's open up to the public in 1950 and it contains the first monument in the world to honor Mahatma Gandhi. It's very tranquil, it's very. What do you call it? You know where you. You meditate, a meditative. Is that the word meditative?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we meditative. We meditated somewhere where you actually somewhere where you peaceful.

Speaker 1:

You, yeah, where you go there, to literally stop, you know and to pause yourself to pause, to meditate, to get grounded.

Speaker 1:

The grass is always green, josh, because the spring-fed lake, you know trees are beautiful, you know the everything is beautiful there. So it is one of those again, those hidden gem locations where you know what. You probably would just pass it, to be honest with you, if you're a normal tourist, if you want to geocache, so there you go. Yeah, it is only open, though, wednesday to Sundays, 12 to 4, so that's all it is. So the gate access is only offered from 10 to 1 and Josh, parking, as always in California. You can think this parking does need reservations, apparently, so oh, good to know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, what do you have to do to complete the virtual is it photos? Is it? Is it one question, one question. Oh, yeah, sorry, yeah, one question one photo.

Speaker 1:

That's it, that's all it. So that's the reason. What's a difficulty of two, one question, one photo? Easy said and done. But, josh, that was a place where you, literally, you could probably spend. You do one question, one photo. It takes you five minutes, but you could then spend the next hour. Yes, you know, Granting yourself and getting your head right again, which is really nice. So there you go.

Speaker 2:

Love that number eight. Yes, all right, I got a number Seven number seven. Yes, craig, you and I were so close to this one and we didn't even Consider it, didn't even do it. Yeah, we were so close. This is outside of Yuma, arizona.

Speaker 1:

We were there we were there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is the Castle Dome mountaintop terrain five Looks like looks like a very difficult hike.

Speaker 1:

It's called why we didn't do it. Here's what it's called, craig.

Speaker 2:

It's called high up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, how old is this one, josh? How old is this one?

Speaker 2:

This one 2002. It's old, 22 years old.

Speaker 1:

It's been.

Speaker 2:

It's been logged 35 times, but again, people love it and it's, it's a beautiful. If you see the pictures, it's like the top of this huge dome. It's one of those things you can. You can see that, see it in the distance and you're like, wow, that's really up there. I wonder how hard it would be to get up there. The answer probably pretty hard.

Speaker 1:

Is it still available? This one, josh, because it says here on the cash page now being locked.

Speaker 2:

This is interesting. I'm looking at the cash page right now and it says it's locked.

Speaker 1:

But it's not disabled but it's not disabled.

Speaker 2:

So we got this is fascinating, we have it. There, this is a mystery, because it looks like it was archived, but people still are hiking up there. Yes, and there's still, and they still logged it, although the last log was Was Five over five years ago.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we couldn't. We could have done it. Then, josh, we we couldn't have done. That's why we didn't do it, yeah. I'm gonna say I'm gonna say that's why we didn't do it.

Speaker 2:

Let me just say it's still, it's still there, it's still there the mountains not going anywhere.

Speaker 1:

It didn't like. You know. The mountains still there to climb, you can still do it and just not log the fun. So yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking some of the pictures. I mean this is, this is. I Don't know if it takes special equipment, but there's some really tricky spots here of climbing, like oh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But it's, it's a favorite out there in the desert. Exactly there we go up high.

Speaker 1:

We're coming into number six now, but I can't question though the Canada Vermont border. Is that still your favorite stuff? I think there's number 12. That's still your favorite, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so far.

Speaker 1:

That's the one I want to visit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a funny one.

Speaker 1:

That's really cool. That's really cool, all right. Number six, josh, I think this one, maybe, maybe you're gonna knock off number 12 for you and that is the Barney Smiths toilet seat museum Located in Texas. The CEO is.

Speaker 2:

Finally, one that I've been to you done this one.

Speaker 1:

It's a DT 11, but again it's so good and it's archived and now locked to, so unfortunately.

Speaker 2:

So I've been to this one. Do you want me to describe?

Speaker 1:

it yeah, go ahead, I know this isn't mine.

Speaker 2:

This is the one I was assigned. So, this is a man by the name of Barney Smith over years is he's an artist? I would say he's a folk artist. In his garage he had past tense. He had a toilet seat. See him where he would decorate toilet seats, like decorate them and like different themes, like you think of anything, anything in the world. He's probably made a toilet seat out of it. I.

Speaker 1:

Have all those toilet seats, josh, where they're. They're, they're like all that Perspects or whatever, and you can see through them and they've got the, the fish and they've got you know different things inside them. But he's is also about the painting of the toilet seats too, is it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, paints them, and he, he actually uses dentist drill bits. I've talked to the guy yeah, he's dentist drill bits to like make the toilet seats permanent. So it's kind of like imagine like, you know, like a wood burning kit, but it's like he etches in there, he colors it. Some of them are 3d, craig. Some of them have like things protruding out of them and they're all like they'll have like themes. Oh, okay, yeah. So anyway, craig, I've been to this location twice, twice, and the first time, first time I went, I DNF'd it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, you did have to do it, if it because it was a virtual, because Tammy and I, tam, you know Barney Smith was getting up there. Yeah, you know, he was like almost a hundred years old, mm-hmm. We're like if we're gonna do this, we better go down. By the way, it's in San Antonio, texas.

Speaker 2:

Yes yeah yeah, and we're like we better get down there. And we get down there and he, there's a note on the front door saying Barney is sick in the hospital. Oh no, and so I couldn't get, so I DNF so we went all the way to San Antonio. Wow, tammy and I just for that.

Speaker 1:

Just for that.

Speaker 2:

So you know. So you know what we did, craig. I knew exactly what I needed to do.

Speaker 1:

Did you go to the hospital, we be lined it no.

Speaker 2:

Ha, ha, ha, ha ha.

Speaker 1:

Osprey's casing got a little bit. We lined it no. Yeah, we broke it.

Speaker 2:

No, we went to the Walmart and got a bunch of Sharpie markers and in the car Tammy designed a Get Well card out of a toilet seat.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that is really cool, that is really cool.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then Craig, over a year passes by, barney got the card the card in quotation marks, and he took his dentist tools and he made it permanent Like he actually like, and then he put the card in the museum.

Speaker 1:

That is really cool. That is really cool.

Speaker 2:

So I knew that I had to go down there again. So I went down there again with a bunch of friends and it was really special because we were the people to close it out because Barney had sold the museum to a restaurant in Dallas in a place called the Colonies. So when we got there we were the last group to see the toilet museum and we helped him pack up, helped him pack up his museum to be shipped away because he sold it.

Speaker 1:

So can you still see the museum. Can you still see this place?

Speaker 2:

Yes, so Barney Smith unfortunately a few years ago passed away, but his museum is. It's on a beautiful display and they have a building just for it at this restaurant and it's called the Colonies, which I believe is like a northern suburb of Dallas. So I have a special assignment. If you're in Dallas area you're listening to this. I want my toilet seat back. I want my get well card from Barney back.

Speaker 1:

So you, can put it on your wall, I'm willing to pay for it. You can put it on your wall, you can pay for it. Yeah, it would be so cool to have it back, don't you think that would be really, really cool.

Speaker 2:

And so I've tried to contact the Colonies and I just haven't gotten anywhere. But I think what it would take would be somebody physically asking about it.

Speaker 1:

So here's the thing.

Speaker 2:

Barney has cataloged every single one of his toilet seats. My toilet seat is toilet seat 1341. 1341.

Speaker 1:

There you go. 1341. Yep, yep.

Speaker 2:

And it's and when we packed it up I have a video of this. You can see what video we packed it it was in. It was in these banana boxes, you know where they that's how, where they, you know deliver bananas to restaurants.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So somewhere in a storage unit it's in box 116. Oh, no Box 116. Because it's not because it's not not all. Because there's so many, not all of them are on display, so my toilet seat is just sitting in a box. If you go to this, see this, see this, the Colonies, the toilet seat museum. Ask somebody about it, and you know a guy that made one of these seats and he would really like it back. Is there? Is it in a back room? Where is it?

Speaker 1:

And please contact us, yes.

Speaker 2:

Contact us. I think if we get a lot of people visiting asking about it, they're going to, they're going to. Maybe it might be more of a priority. And I'll make, I'll go down there. I'll go down there, I'll pick it up, I'll make a video, I'll promote the colony.

Speaker 1:

I'll promote the colonies.

Speaker 2:

But this is a. This is an incredible thing. So, even though so the virtual is gone, it's no longer in San Antonio, but you can go to the, the new place and there's an. I know there's an adventure lab there, and so you can get several finds there you go, there you go.

Speaker 1:

And of course, josh, you did a video of this when you, when you went down with the, with your group of friends, didn't you, of course? Of course you did. Well, I'll put that link in the show notes as well, mate. So that's, that's there as well. So there you go. Well, josh, moving on now, then this is yours again. Now, number five.

Speaker 2:

Oh, this is cool. We're in the top five. This is this one's cool. We're going. We're going to Miami. We're going to an underwater city of the dead. What, off the shores of Miami? What? This is a scuba. This is a scuba virtual.

Speaker 1:

Oh really so it's a D five, a T five, sorry, yes.

Speaker 2:

It's called Neptune Memorial Reef and it's not a shipwreck.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

It's, you know a lot of a lot of. It's not a shipwreck, it's an underwater city of the dead. So, basically, you go down there and there's like these pillars and there's like these buildings and there's like, you know, like a it looks like a city that was underwater Like water, and there's like a lot like a lion statue and there's coral forming on it and it's like, and it's and here's the cool thing it's pretty accessible because have you, are you scuba certified?

Speaker 1:

Yes, I am.

Speaker 2:

Have you ever been?

Speaker 1:

You are cool. Of course you are. You're from us, hello, isn't everybody? We have to be. It's part of our school curriculum. No, I'm joking, I bet.

Speaker 2:

I bet and I was certified in high school. I was certified in high school, but I have to get like a re-certification, but it's only 40 feet down.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's a fire. Yeah, that's not fire at all. That's not too bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm a little intimidated by really deep. So this is, but it's three miles off. You can you know? Charter a lot of dive shops they do. They take it's. It's a place. But here's the thing that's really interesting about it it was originally created to encourage sea life and coral to kind of form around it. That's why they put it down there, but then it became a cemetery. It's a cemetery. Like for real people Like wow, yeah, people have their ashes spread.

Speaker 1:

Oh ashes, of course, Of course.

Speaker 2:

Especially divers. Yes, like people that are really passionate about diving. Their ashes are down and the world's oldest diver this is a fun fact the world's oldest divers remains are there. That's really cool.

Speaker 1:

Isn't that fascinating. That's really cool. Yes, yes, so there you go.

Speaker 2:

So if you ask Kuba to find that one, that one.

Speaker 1:

There is very unique down in Miami. Number four, josh, we're going to number four now. This time we're going to my favorite state of the USA. Believe it or not? I'm not sure if people know this or not, minnesota. Negative, it's Wyoming. Wyoming is my favorite state of the US. It's just very, very, very. I love the, that western sort of feel of Wyoming.

Speaker 2:

You know all the months and that and that we're a western look.

Speaker 1:

So that's what I love about Wyoming the most, and the fact that there's not that many people there too, which is really nice. Anyway, this one's called Josh, this one's called a Yellowstone love story and it's by a dairy medic. It's a 2020 cash as well. It's got a DT of four and a half two and a half because there's 10 waypoints you have to go to, scattered throughout the actual Yellowstone National Park itself, and you have to have a photo at each location. Yeah, and again, Josh, it's one of those things where it's a virtual cash. So it makes sense, because you can't place anything physical in the Yellowstone National Park. So this makes sense. But what I liked about this Josh was it's called Yellowstone love story because the CEO worked at Yellowstone back in 1992.

Speaker 1:

She started working back in Yellowstone and that's where she met her now late husband, you see, back in 92. They've since had four kids as well, and they returned to the park in 2010 with their children to sort of, you know, take them through all the different areas. Now, each of these 10 spots is significant to her because they're part of her 10 dates that she went on with her husband when they first met throughout the park. It's where, because he was, he was obviously higher up in the park than she was. She was basically like you've shot with the top style and yeah, he took a sort of liking to her and said look, you know, I'll take you around the park. So he then took her on this like personalized tour and these 10 spots are the 10 date locations in the park. So that's really nice and obviously they're the 10, probably the 10 best spots in the park itself too. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

So there you go. And yeah, again, like geocaching technically is not allowed in our national parks Some of our most beautiful locations in the United States and it's really cool to be able to to do some geocaching in a park this way. And yeah, number four is all about. You know this podcast is coming out in February.

Speaker 1:

Here's our touch of love, touch of love in the podcast.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Very good, Very good Number three. We're in the top three now. Top three All right.

Speaker 2:

Number three is called the Triple Crown. Triple Crown it is in Virginia. And get this, greg, it's on the AT High or not AT High? The Appalachian Trail? It's on the Appalachian Trail, yes, wow. And so this is a area where there, I mean it's AT so it's the small towns surrounding it. I don't even have it written on the AT.

Speaker 2:

And there's these three locations that are considered the triple crown. If you go to all three of these locations, you've completed it. It's like you know, on the AT there's the through hiking, but then there's often, I think, trails around the AT. So this is actually you don't have to do the AT, although a lot of AT hikers are the ones that have completed this, because it's really out there and it's for some people. This is the one that took three days, because you have to go to three specific landmarks within this area. One is called McCaffrey's Knob. Oh my God, craig, you should see the pictures.

Speaker 2:

It's one of those things where, like you're up high and this rock form juts out and you're, you know, you just kind of sit on it. And as soon as I saw it I was like wait a minute, I've seen this before. And our friend Geocaching Katie she of course has pictures at all these- places.

Speaker 1:

She completed it. Yes, that's really cool. Yes.

Speaker 2:

She completed this. She was at all these locations, but guess I'd look, did she log it? I don't think she knew there was a geocache?

Speaker 1:

Probably not.

Speaker 2:

Probably not she didn't know because it was because it was a virtual. So McCaffrey Knob is a jutting out. There's another location Again you have to see the pictures Dragon tooth. It's a rock formation that just juts out of the ground. It's probably 30 feet high, called Dragon's Tooth, and then there's another one called Tinkering Cliffs Some really beautiful locations. It's the place you want to sit for sunrises or sunsets.

Speaker 2:

It was so cool Again for some of the people that did it. It took them three days to accomplish it. So AT Hikers, you know it's they're going to have to spend some time there. I messaged Katie about it and she said, oh, it was amazing, she was there on mile 700. Oh, okay, yeah, mile 700. Other through Hikers. It was day 62 of their hike from South to North. So, amazing, beautiful spot. It's the, it's the stuff great calendars are made of, exactly, exactly ET Highway.

Speaker 1:

I mean ET Highway.

Speaker 2:

Appalachian Trail.

Speaker 1:

The AT, the AT, not the highway. The AT, that's the least. All right, josh, we're coming down to number two now. Number two, we're ringing in now. This one here is very close to my heart and I looked at it first and I had to do some research about it because I thought it's pretty rude to begin with, because it's called. It's called the pork chopper, the pork chopper. Delicious and what's delicious? No, yeah, it's a barbecue a barbecue place right.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not, it's about the police helicopter. Oh, so this one here's in Kansas and the CEO is Owen from KC. It's got a DT difficulty in terrain of a 4.5, 1.5. So there's 14 questions you have to answer and take a photo as well. 85% favorites for this one, josh. But what it is is. It is a police museum, you see, and this neat that's where it's actually located itself. So if you don't know, josh, though, the Kansas City, kansas, actually had one of the first police helicopter units in the US, in the whole country Interesting. So there you go. It was in operation from 1971 to 1979. It was officially called Operation Firefly, but, josh, and this is where it's not, it's okay to say this the pork chopper is because the police officer pilot the very first one. He called it the pork chopper, it's not disrespectful.

Speaker 1:

So it's not disrespectful because the police officer himself the first one there did it called it the pork chopper. Hence the reason why the geocache name is the pork chopper. So I still think it's funny because you know, when they say, oh, can pigs fly, it's like well there you go.

Speaker 2:

So Kansas City, Kansas, they can.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, exactly. So what do you have to do? Do you have to get a picture?

Speaker 2:

Do you have to get some questions.

Speaker 1:

14, 14 questions 14 questions and one photo. So yeah, it is a lot. So hence the reason why the difficulty is 4.5 for this one, and it's in it's in the museum itself, so you do have to check the times for the museum before you go there too.

Speaker 2:

So that's a great way to explore the museum, absolutely, absolutely and and I love, you know, sometimes I love visiting some of these military museums. I kind of say you know where you see some of the again, airplanes and, uh, here at, you know, helicopters, stuff like that. So, yeah, love that, all right. Number one, craig, number one, are you ready? Number one we're going to surprise, surprise, I don't know if it's a surprise Detroit, detroit, michigan, downtown Detroit back to reality.

Speaker 1:

But that was Eminem, eminem, detroit, anybody, there you go.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so this is called. Oh, it's so tempting not to sing.

Speaker 1:

I know, you're going to sing it? I was. I was waiting for you to sing it. You can sing it. You got my permission.

Speaker 2:

She's got a ticket to ride. She's got a ticket to ride. It's called ticket to ride.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you didn't realize.

Speaker 2:

Ticket to ride. This reminds me, Craig. This reminds me of the adventure lab we just completed in Florida Disney world. Yeah, what, what do you have? To do you get on the train. It's like a. It's like the people mover train. It does. There's a. I believe this train loops. I look at loops around downtown Detroit and you're thinking, oh what?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Detroit. Well, detroit has some of the most interesting and unique architecture that has been preserved. And so, basically, what you do? You ride in. This train takes two and a half hours. Sounds like the people that did this. It sounds like quite of experience. You get out, you get out of the train at each spot stop and you take a photo or something, and then you get back in the train.

Speaker 1:

Oh, one of those. Yeah, yeah, that's really cool, that's really cool.

Speaker 2:

And I, yeah, and I love, I love when geocaches use the infrastructure that is already around them to like complete it. So, like the tool here, the tool is the is a train, yeah, and gets you around. And again, everybody that has done this says it was. They were surprised, I think, on how beautiful this architecture is and how different the the buildings were. It's just a really. It sounds like a really neat way to explore and to see the downtown Detroit area.

Speaker 1:

That's really cool, josh. And that reminds me, though, there's a virtual cache in Sydney, and it's. It's the same sort of system, except you use the ferries and not the trains, so the ferries all across the the harbour itself, the Sydney harbour, you know, around the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge, the whole lot. But you ready for this, josh? You ready for the actual cache name?

Speaker 1:

What is it? It's called ferry McFerry face Because because then we had a new ferry come into Australia itself and they put it out there, Josh, amongst the public, to name this ferry, and 98% went ferry ferry McFerry face was the name of the new ferry. So yeah, so that's there you go. So that's the ferry McFerry face, so that's the name of the new, the new ferry there in in Australia. So there you go, there you go.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, yeah. So I haven't been talking about like you've been talking about the people that have hidden these virtuals I had. I've been skipping that. I apologize, but I'm going to mention this one. After all, it is number one. It is created by team GMMP. So congratulations on being the number one according to the Lord Wilson score and, in Detroit, congrats to your football team. There's a, you know, there's a lot to celebrate and there's a lot to be proud of of Detroit, of Detroit right now. And my guess is that team GMMP they're proud of their town, they're proud of Detroit, they're proud of their football team. And you know what? That's a damn rare thing these days.

Speaker 1:

There you go. I knew you had to get in some way. You don't even ride in the show notes, Josh. You don't even ride it in the show notes. You know that, don't you?

Speaker 2:

I like to surprise you.

Speaker 1:

You do, you really do.

Speaker 2:

I like to surprise you.

Speaker 1:

I was waiting for it. I was waiting for it. So, but speaking of proud, we're very proud, josh too. We're proud of our patrons too.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we are. We're so proud of them and thank you. I just saw the bills coming in. You know here's the deal Craig pays the bills. I see them come in. I see how much it costs to get this podcast hosted and to get this podcast sounding great. It's not. It's not a cheap thing. Podcasts are not a cheap thing and we're just so proud that this podcast is completely supported by our patrons. Very rarely will you hear any sort of add on here, unless somebody sends something free or if you were high life Indecent.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, something good. You've said that something good we might talk about it on this podcast. But if we don't get sent anything good, we're just going to give the love to our patrons. So if you're listening to this, you know my guess is that there's some people out there, craig, that have been listening to us and they're like they've thought about it. They're like you know what I should do that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I should. You know my 2024 resolution. I should. I should support this podcast. I listen to them almost every week. They help me get me through my week, and if that's you, we would really appreciate your support. Help us to continue to keep this going, so please consider joining us on Patreon. It's patreoncom backslash treasures of our town, easy.

Speaker 1:

It's easy to remember, josh, easy so, and for the price of a cup of coffee, that's all it is. You can even do a start off free, josh as well, and get a couple of the nuggets, and then move on to the paid section and get all the nuggets too, all the golden nuggets. So there you go, josh, our next episode. Is it true? Is this true?

Speaker 2:

What are we doing? Where are we going, Craig? I think we're going down south.

Speaker 1:

I think you're going to meet me down south in Bama Ramah.

Speaker 2:

Bama Ramah in Alabama. We're going to. This is the second ever Bama Ramah mega event and we will be there. If you're listening to this, I believe this podcast comes out on the week of Bama Ramah, so you're going to see us in a few days and we'll be there. If you're down there, make sure you say hi to us, make sure you tell us that you listen to the podcast, because that makes us feel good. We don't get as much. We don't get, as you know, we don't have a comment section right.

Speaker 2:

So we're going to be going down.

Speaker 1:

We might even do a live, we might do another live, live as in one and like together live podcast. Yes, yes, possibly.

Speaker 2:

We're going to also want to talk to somebody from their Chamber of Commerce. This is true, we want to talk to an expert, so we're not sure if we might do. I'm guessing we probably Craig will do sections of it live and then maybe we'll layer on, layer on, like an interview with somebody that knows something.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, exactly. That sounds good, but other than that, the golf shores the golf shores of Alabama.

Speaker 2:

So, craig, don't, don't move. Stay in that parking lot and I'll meet you down there.

Speaker 1:

No, I've got to move south still, so I'm up north.

Speaker 2:

I'm not north Alabama. Okay, yeah, I'll meet you down there. I'll meet you down there, josh.

Speaker 1:

But otherwise, how else can people find us, Josh, if they're not going to Alabama?

Speaker 2:

Feel free to reach out to us at treasuresofourtownpodcast at gmailcom, or you can follow us on Facebook, instagram, twitter and.

Speaker 1:

YouTube. So that's our show for today. So please subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast and, as always, Josh.

Speaker 2:

Mayor travels always lead you to the most unexpected and amazing hidden gems, virtually the most beautiful. Bye everybody. See you in the next time.

Speaker 1:

Bye everybody, see you later. Bye.

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